Data centers use a wide variety of technologies to view and control the status and consumption of their server racks at any time.
Different circuits are often used in server rooms to prevent failures. The state of the rooms is detected, for example, via temperature and humidity sensors, and cooling or heating is controlled as needed. This allows parameters such as the water flow rate from the cooling water to be reliably measured, so that problems can be quickly addressed.
But how does this information get to the building control system? This is where the WAGO controller is used. It functions as a gateway and forwards the information. If necessary, the information is converted from another protocol to Modbus TCP so that the control system can process the information and trigger actions such as an alarm. Different manufacturers with different bus protocols can be monitored – throughout the entire data center.
In addition, you can record the status of the main switch in the server cabinet via the WAGO controller. If this is triggered, the information can be passed on and the problem resolved in a timely manner. This not only checks the spatial characteristics of the servers, but also each function of an individual server.