Installation Rail-Mount Terminal Blocks
TOPJOB® S Installation Rail-Mount Terminal Blocks with Push-in CAGE CLAMP® reliability have a large range of cross-sections, offering the right terminal block for all building applications. TOPJOB® S provides the security of being prepared for increasing and ever-changing building requirements.
- Push-in CAGE CLAMP® connects solid, stranded and ferruled conductors by simply pushing them into the unit
- Range of multifunctional jumpers (e.g., staggered, continuous and step-down jumpers)
- Three-line custom labeling via marking strips provides a clear overview – even when wired
- Highest current carrying capacity for maximum electrical safety
- Insulation resistance measurement complying with standards (e.g., E-CHECK)
- Test plug adapter for fast, safe insulation resistance measurement – saves up to 50% test time while protecting devices
- Simple, individual switchgear unit expansion and conversion

Lighting Connectors
WAGO's lighting connectors are the ideal connection between solid and fine-stranded conductors. Thanks to their approval as independent equipment per EN 60998, WAGO's lighting connectors can be used in nearly all household applications and similar building installations where a connection between solid and fine-stranded conductors is required.
- Ideally connect solid conductors with fine-stranded conductors
- Simple, tool-free wiring – especially helpful for overhead work
- Support numerous applications, including connecting devices with flexible conductors to fixed installations (e.g., blinds motors)