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WAGO Smart Designer Configurator

The basis of any switchgear unit is customized electrical planning. WAGO consistently offers you all the data, software tools and interfaces – from electrical and mechanical planning, to ordering.

With the Smart Designer online configurator, the software for WAGO’s electrical connection and automation technology products, we offer access to projects at any time and from anywhere in the world – no installation necessary.

  • Interfaces to several CAE tools (e.g., ePLAN or WSCAD) allow planned terminal strips to be created automatically in the Smart Designer configurator
  • Realistic planning of WAGO products in 3D
  • Always available, always up-to-date: access to projects at any time and from anywhere in the world – no installation necessary
  • Plausibility check helps prevent planning errors

Digital Engineering for Greater Efficiency

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Configure Individual Products

  • Always available, always up-to-date: The Smart Designer online configurator offers access to projects at any time and from anywhere in the world – no installation necessary
  • Easy cooperation on a configuration project, even at different development sites
  • Save time and avoid errors with location-independent project processing, without different processing statuses, data exchange via email etc.
  • Get your bearings quickly and save time with a selection of pre-defined standard views
  • Item numbers are always up-to-date
  • Plausibility checks prevent planning errors
  • Insert user-specific products as placeholders

Familiar Planning in the CAE Tool

Use your familiar CAE tool for planning circuit diagrams. WAGO offers you high-quality CAE product data and CAE macros. Interfaces to several CAE tools (e.g., ePLAN or WSCAD) allow planned terminal strips to be created automatically in the Smart Designer configurator.

  • Interfaces to various systems
  • Instead of entering item numbers, use the bidirectional EPLAN interface to plan faster with function definitions
  • Pass the circuit diagrams to Smart Designer, construct terminal strips automatically and save a great deal of time
  • Plausibility checks help you avoid errors in your planning
  • Automatic transfer of the printing data from the CAE tool to the thermal transfer Smart Printer minimizes time and errors

The newest Smart Designer version 2.11 is here! Users now have access to a “Help” button, as well as a configuration-specific URL in the browser address bar. This will make sharing and saving configuration projects you have created easier and more intuitive. Update now!

Benefits of the Software


Export parts lists and assembly diagrams directly from the WAGO Smart Designer configurator to create production documents or support ordering.
You benefit from the automatic import of item numbers for individual components into your ERP system and from complete, standards-compliant PDF documentation (e.g., per FSF standard for track and rail vehicles).


Marking control cabinets is easy with the WAGO thermal transfer Smart Printer: Depending on how you work, you have the option of printing markings from a large variety of systems (with a standard CAE tool, the Smart Designer online configurator and the Smart Script marking software).

You also benefit from a printer with a low purchase price that is universally suitable for marking everything in the control cabinet.


CAD Design

Use your usual CAD tool to import your configuration from Smart Designer. This is possible without exception thanks to the availability of various CAD formats (neutral and native 2D/3D CAD formats).

Technical and commercial item information is available to you in the form of high-quality data.

You determine the product data granularity yourself.

WAGO at Work