
General Terms and Conditions for using WAGO's website

1. Basic Provisions

1.1 Use of web pages (in the following: WAGO Website) offered by WAGO GmbH & Co. KG and/or its subsidiaries (WAGO) is permitted for all registered users exclusively on the basis of these conditions. These conditions must be accepted upon registration. In individual cases, these General Terms of Use can be supplemented, modified or replaced by additional terms, e.g.,for the acquisition of products and/or services.

1.2 WAGO furnishes specific information and software on the WAGO Website for access or download, including documentation where applicable. Due to characteristics of the Internet and of computer systems, WAGO declines all responsibility for interrupted availability of the WAGO Website. Some pages of the WAGO Website are password protected. In the interest of secure business traffic, access to these pages is only possible for registered users. WAGO is entitled to terminate access authorization at any time after notice at any time by blocking access data, insofar as no other contrary agreements with the customer exist.

1.3 After successful registration, the user is granted a user name and password (in the following, also: “user data”).1.3 After successful registration, the user is granted a user name and password (in the following, also: user data). During initial access, the user changes the password granted by WAGO to one known only by the user. User data enables the user to view or change his or her data or, as necessary, to revoke or extend consent to data processing. The user ensures that the user data is not accessible to third parties and accepts liability for all orders and other activities performed under the user data.

1.4 Use of the WAGO Website is also subject to the Privacy Statement and Cookie Guidelines.

3. County-Specific Regulations

3.1 The individual pages of the WAGO Website are operated by and are the responsibility of WAGO GmbH & Co. KG and/or its subsidiaries. The pages account for the requirements of the respective country in which the responsible company is headquartered. WAGO assumes no responsibility that the information, software and/or documentation may also be accessed or downloaded from the WAGO Website in locations outside the affected country.

3.2 If users in locations outside the affected country access the WAGO Website, they are solely responsible for observing the applicable requirements under the respective country's laws. Access to information, software and/or documentation on the WAGO Website from countries in which this access is unlawful is prohibited. In this case, and if the user wishes to enter a business relationship with WAGO, the user should contact the WAGO representative in their respective company.


4. Applicable Law

German law applies.

5. Applicable law

German law applies, with the exclusion of the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and the conflict of laws provisions of private international law.