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{ "@context" : "http://schema.org/", "@type" : "Product", "name" : "Сензорен съединител DALI", "description" : "<p>The WAGO DALI Multi-Sensor Kit is paired with the WAGO 753-647 DALI Multi-Master Module and includes the following three components:</p><p>- DALI Sensor Coupler (also available individually)</p><p>- ECO-CI Kit</p><p>- MULTI-3-CI Sensor</p><p>The DALI Sensor Coupler connects the MULTI-3-CI Sensor to a DALI bus system. For this, the MULTI-3-CI Sensor is connected to the DALI Sensor Coupler via RJ-10 socket. DALI terminals connect the DALI Sensor Coupler to both the DALI network and WAGO DALI Module. The ECO-CI Kit contains two covers, which can be used as touch guards and strain relief for cables within the ceiling installation of the DALI Sensor Coupler. The MULTI-3-CI Sensor has a motion and light sensor, enabling both motion detection and daylight-dependent lighting control. Power supply to the DALI Sensor Coupler is provided via DALI line. The DALI Sensor Coupler transmits measured values from the connected sensor channels as telegrams to the WAGO DALI Module via DALI line. Parameters can be adjusted individually via WAGO DALI Configurator. The number of sensors, which can be operated on a DALI line, depends on the total power consumption of the specific devices and the address range for the actuators and sensors. Due to the capacity of the DALI bus, a maximum of 16 DALI Sensor Couplers may be operated on a DALI Multi-Master Module (753-647). </p><p><b>Mounting</b></p><p><b>Sensor Connection</b></p><p>The MULTI-3-CI Sensor is connected to a 4-pole RJ-10 socket (4P4C), which is marked as “Sensor” on the housing cover.</p><p>For easy connection, the sensor plug is equipped with a quick-connect latch. Only one MULTI-3-CI Sensor must be connected to sensor coupler.</p><p><b>Ceiling Installation</b></p><p>For installation outside of a lighting fixture (e.g., suspended ceiling), the ECO-CI Kit must also be attached to both sides of the unit to ensure strain relief and touch protection. The DALI Sensor Coupler can also be installed in lighting fixtures. The installation spaces available in lighting fixtures can be used, as the dimensions correspond to those of an electronic ballast.</p><p><b>Note:</b></p><p>The DALI Sensor Coupler is also available individually, allowing the unit to be combined with other multi-sensor models from Osram.</p>", "mpn" : "2851-8202", "sku" : "2851-8202", "brand" : { "@type":"Brand", "name":"WAGO" }, "manufacturer" : { "@type":"Organization", "name":"WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG" }, "image" : "https://www.wago.com/medias/200-020000070001a571000300b6-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxMDg3fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YUdSaEwyaGtNQzh4TXpjNU9UY3dORGc0TnpNeU5pOHlNREJmTURJd01EQXdNRGN3TURBeFlUVTNNVEF3TURNd01HSTJYMFJGTG1wd1p3fDNmYTA4NzVlYmEyMjAyM2Y4YzU5Zjg0ODA4ZjRkZDZhZWQ4Y2MzODUyZWY3NTRjYjJlNjMwNTllNTA0ZDg2MjQ", "gtin13" : "4050821708407", "category" : "I/O Systems", "url" : "https://www.wago.com/bg/io-systems/dali-sensor-coupler/p/2851-8202" }
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Артикул №.2851-8202

Сензорен съединител DALI

Артикул №.2851-8202
Сензорен съединител DALI
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Артикул №.2851-8202
Сензорен съединител DALI
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PU (SPU): 25 (1) брой