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{ "@context" : "http://schema.org/", "@type" : "Product", "name" : "базов контролер 100; 2 x ETHERNET", "description" : "<p>This controller can be used as a programmable controller within ETHERNET networks along with the WAGO I/O System.</p><p>The controller supports all digital and analog input/output modules, as well specialty modules found within the 750/753 Series, and is suitable for data rates of 10/100 Mbit/s.</p><p>Two ETHERNET interfaces and an integrated switch allow the fieldbus to be wired in a line topology, eliminating additional network devices, such as switches or hubs. Both interfaces support autonegotiation and Auto-MDI(X).</p><p>The DIP switch configures the last byte of the IP address and may be used for IP address assignment.</p><p>This controller supports Modbus TCP for use in industrial environments. It also supports a wide variety of standard ETHERNET protocols for easy integration into IT environments (e.g., HTTP(S), BootP, DHCP, DNS, SNTP, SNMP, SFTP).</p><p>An integrated Webserver provides user configuration options, while displaying PLC status information. </p><p>The controller has role-based user management and supports the RFC 5424 syslog protocol.</p><p>The IEC 61131-3 programmable controller is multitasking-capable and features a capacitor-backed RTC.</p><p>A data memory of 8 MB is available.</p><p>The controller is equipped with a removable memory card slot. A memory card can be used to transfer device parameters or files (e.g., boot files) from one controller to another. The card can be accessed via FTP and used as an additional drive.</p>", "mpn" : "750-8001", "sku" : "750-8001", "brand" : { "@type":"Brand", "name":"WAGO" }, "manufacturer" : { "@type":"Organization", "name":"WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG" }, "image" : "https://www.wago.com/medias/200-8634167-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wyMzY5fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YUdNMkwyZzJZaTh4TXpZNU9EYzNOREEzTXpNM05DOHlNREJmT0RZek5ERTJOMTlFUlM1cWNHY3xkOTg2YmIwMDU5ZTA1MDM2YTFhMjAwNjg0Yzg1YTkyNjIzODlhNWFjZDE2YmExNDRhMzkwOGYwODk1ZjQ1NjM4", "gtin13" : "4066966361902", "category" : "Controller", "url" : "https://www.wago.com/bg/plcs-controllers/basic-controller-100/p/750-8001" }
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Артикул №.750-8001

базов контролер 100; 2 x ETHERNET

Артикул №.750-8001
базов контролер 100
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Артикул №.750-8001
базов контролер 100
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