31 July 2020
Less Time, Less Exertion, Higher Performance for Control Cabinet Manufacturing

How can professional tools streamline control cabinet manufacturing?

Digitalized and automated processes are shaping the day-to-day work of control cabinet manufacturing more and more. All the work steps are designed to increase efficiency and optimize processes. Yet despite all this digitization, a great deal of the work in circuit cabinet manufacturing still involves manual assembly! The fact that over 70 % of the installation work relies on manual activity makes optimization of mechanical component placement and wiring all the more important. Wherever stripping, crimping and measuring cables and wires are required, high-quality ergonomic tools say significant time and make work processes more efficient. WAGO professional tools not only help reduce defects – they also make the work faster and easier!

Professional Tools for Every Job

WAGO tools boast a functionally and ergonomically refined design backed with quality certified per DIN standards. Tools that electricians and control cabinet constructors can trust!

Video for Practical Tip 3


Our wire stripper Quickstrip Vario (206-1125) is designed to handle conductors from 0.03 to 16 mm² (32-5 AWG).

  • Automatic stripping pliers with integrated cutting function enable fast, smooth conductor handling in a wide cross section range from 0.03 to 16 mm² (32-5 AWG).
  • Adjustable partial stripping – since part of the cut insulation remains at the end of the conductor, nothing else is needed to protect the splice and the remainder is easily pulled off before final connection.
  • No ferrules needed when conductor is connected to a WAGO rail-mounted terminal block with spring connection technology
  • Fine adjustment for removing thin and thick insulation
  • Replacement blades (standard, V, oval blades) can be stored in the special compartment integrated in the handle.

Wire Stripper Quickstrip Vario (206-1125)


Crimping tools like Variocrimp 4 and 16 round out the WAGO tool program. (206-1204 and 206-1216)

  • Automatic adjustment to the conductor cross-section
  • With a squared crimp form, the conductor position needs no unwieldy twisting to connect or disconnect at the clamping point.
  • The pliers jaws open automatically after crimping.
  • Crimping can be performed from either side (for left- or right-handed users).
  • Gas-tight crimping ensures secure connections.
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Crimping Tool Variocrimp 4 (206-1204)