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{ "@context" : "http://schema.org/", "@type" : "Product", "name" : "IoT Box; Energia Data 4G", "description" : "Integrating machines and systems into the “Internet of Things” is incredibly quick and easy with the WAGO IoT Box Energy Data 4G. <br/>This IoT Box features power and energy measurement functionality and is ready for immediate use. It also offers all the functions required for digitalization, from signal acquisition to cloud connectivity. <br/>The IoT Box was designed as a plug-and-play device – no hardware engineering is needed. Collected data is transferred to the desired IoT application with just a few parameter settings. <br/>The hardware includes a controller with its own communication interface, I/O modules with analog and digital inputs/outputs, a 3-phase power measurement module and a 24 V power supply unit.<br/><br/>The integrated 4G cellular modem provides a wireless connection to the Internet and includes a radio license for EU countries. <br/><br/>Depending on the application, additional I/O modules can be added later to adapt the system to specific requirements. <br/><br/>The IoT Box includes: <br/><ul><li>Controller PFC200; 2nd Generation; 2 x ETHERNET, RS-232/-485, Mobile Radio Module 4G: 750-8217</li><li>Magnetic-Mount Antenna; with 2.5 m cable and SMA plug; GSM/UMTS/LTE/Bluetooth®/WLAN; 698-960, 1400-1518, 1710-2700 MHz: 758-975</li><li>Switched-Mode Power Supply; Classic; 1-phase; Output voltage: 24 VDC; Output current: 2 A; NEC Class 2; DC OK signal: 787-1606</li><li>8-Channel Digital Input; 24 VDC; 3 ms; 2-wire connection: 750-1415</li><li>8-Channel Digital Output; 24 VDC; 0.5 A; 2-wire connection: 750-1515</li><li>8-Channel Analog Input; resistance measurement; adjustable: 750-451</li><li>4-Channel Analog Input; voltage/current; differential input; 16 bits; diagnostics: 750-471</li><li>3-Phase Power Measurement; 690 VAC; 1 A: 750-495/000-002 </li><li>Rogowski Coil; Primary rated current: 1000 A; Output signal: 22.5 mV per kA; Cable length: 1.5 m; Feedthrough for measurement conductor: 70 mm: 855-9150/2000-701</li><li>End Module: 750-600</li><li>SD Memory Card; pSLC-NAND; 8 GB; Temperature range: −40 … +90 °C: 758-879/000-2108</li><li>IoT Box Application (installed and licensed) </li><li>Circuit Breaker; 1-pole; C 10 A; 10 kA </li><li>Electronic Circuit Breaker; 1-pole; 24 VDC; 1 … 8 A </li><li>Set of Wall-Mount Lugs </li><li>Cable Grips M16; M20; M25 </li><li>Connectors (plug and socket) for power supply </li></ul>", "mpn" : "2854-099/000-003", "sku" : "2854-099/000-003", "brand" : { "@type":"Brand", "name":"WAGO" }, "manufacturer" : { "@type":"Organization", "name":"WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG" }, "image" : "https://www.wago.com/medias/200-5983926-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxNjMyfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YURObUwyZzRPQzh4TWpJek56Z3hNVFE0TWpZMU5DOHlNREJmTlRrNE16a3lObDlFUlM1cWNHY3w0ZTM3ODg4Y2I3MmNlZjEwNDY0ODhkMDU1ZDA3YzFkODJlODYxMWU2NGViZjQ4N2U1MjVhYzcxNzZjZDBjYmE4", "gtin13" : "4055144092448", "category" : "Logiikka", "url" : "https://www.wago.com/fi/logiikka/iot-box/p/2854-099_000-003" }
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Tuotenro 2854-099/000-003

IoT Box; Energia Data 4G

Tuotenro 2854-099/000-003
IoT Box
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Hinta ja saatavuus jälkeen
PU (SPU): 1 Piece
Tuotenro 2854-099/000-003
IoT Box
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Hinta ja saatavuus jälkeen
PU (SPU): 1 Piece