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{ "@context" : "http://schema.org/", "@type" : "Product", "name" : "Naarasliitin piirikortteihin; kulmikas; 3-nap.; Kood. B; vaaleanvihreä", "description" : "<h2>Female connector/socket <i>WINSTA</i>® MIDI B coding</h2><br/><br/>Consistently secure electrical installations thanks to exceptional connection technology: The <i>WINSTA</i>® MIDI female connector/socket. Our pluggable PCB connectors provide a versatile pluggable connection system for your devices that meets all the conditions for a robust device connection that is easy to put into operation. The mechanical coding and color coding of the pcb connectors ensure error-free installation of the individual components – including protection against mismating. Solutions like the <i>WINSTA</i>® MIDI pcb connectors with B coding are suitable for process control, for example, for lighting or in data networks. This pcb connectors can be used for electrical currents up to 25 A. Thus the product is especially suitable for high power loads. Our <i>WINSTA</i>® MIDI product line allows maximum flexibility for the installation. With its Push-in CAGE CLAMP® spring pressure connection technology, it guarantees time-saving, error-free installation and offers flexibility for meeting an enormous variety of installation requirements.<br/><br/><h3>Lower costs through fast commissioning and elimination of service expenses – solutions from <i>WINSTA</i>® MIDI</h3><br/><br/>WINSTA® is the pluggable connection system that is ideally tailored to the strict requirements of electrical installation. It allows error-free installation of cables and components, quickly and reliably. Enjoy the benefits of the pluggable version of our maintenance-free spring pressure connection technology too! Plan your installation with with marking from WAGO. <br/><br/><ul><br/><li>pcb connectors with protection against mismating</li><li>pre-assembled versions</li><li>for automation controllers</li><li>rapid, structured electrical installation</li></ul>", "mpn" : "770-863/011-000", "sku" : "770-863/011-000", "brand" : { "@type":"Brand", "name":"WAGO" }, "manufacturer" : { "@type":"Organization", "name":"WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG" }, "image" : "https://www.wago.com/medias/200-0200001300015af0000100b6-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxNDU1fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YURKakwyZzVOUzh4TkRZNE56QXhNREE1TlRFek5DOHlNREJmTURJd01EQXdNVE13TURBeE5XRm1NREF3TURFd01HSTJYMFJGTG1wd1p3fGM4MDkzM2ExM2E4MjBhNWVhZGNmMzI3NzI0ZTM0ODU2MTMyMzNhNDk3ZmFhNWVjNDg0M2IwZmNlYmUwMTg5ZmM", "gtin13" : "4050821446309", "category" : "Pistokeliittimet", "url" : "https://www.wago.com/fi/pistokeliittimet/naarasliitin-piirikortteihin/p/770-863_011-000" }
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WINSTA® MIDI Tuotenro 770-863/011-000

Naarasliitin piirikortteihin; kulmikas; 3-nap.; Kood. B; vaaleanvihreä

Tuotenro 770-863/011-000
Naarasliitin piirikortteihin
Odota ...
Hinta ja saatavuus jälkeen 
PU (SPU): 100 Piece
Tuotenro 770-863/011-000
Naarasliitin piirikortteihin
Odota ...
Hinta ja saatavuus jälkeen 
PU (SPU): 100 Piece