Customer application 9 October 2019
Room Automation Made Easy

Freiburg im Breisgau stands as one of the most ecological cities in Germany. The new city hall is clear proof of this: In 2017, its first construction phase was inaugurated as one of the first net plus-energy public buildings in the world. The WAGO flexROOM® room automation system contributes to the city hall's high levels of energy efficiency.

The first net plus-energy public building worldwide is located in Freiburg im Breisgau, Germany. Over the course of a year, the new city hall generated more electricity than it used. The excess energy was supplied to the city electrical network. About 840 employees, previously distributed among different locations in this city section, now work on about 24,000 m2 within the building. The building also includes a day care center with an additional surface of 1,500 m2. The dedication in November 2017 marked the first construction phase. In the second phase, additional buildings for municipal administrative functions are planned for completion by 2024.

Energy-Efficient Room Automation – How WAGO Supports You:

  • flexROOM® is so flexible it is used for lighting, sun protection and temperature control.

  • Because all possible scenarios have already been mapped in flexROOM®, no further programming is necessary.

  • In 2018, the Freiburg City Hall – thanks also to flexROOM® – took first place in the DGNB (German Sustainable Building Council) competition “Sustainable Building.”