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WAGO for Professional Groups

Focus on Your Requirements

Use our professional Web portal to directly access the information from the area of building technology that is relevant to you.


Topics, Trends and Tips

Whether you are planning lighting installations and automation in your office building, retrofitting a heating, ventilation and air-conditioning system or involved with room automation in general, WAGO helps meet your requirements in buildings.

2021 Building Roadshow

Digital and interactive – join us at our five-part Building Roadshow this year. Current topics and trends in the building sector, extensive expert knowledge and interactive networking opportunities await you – in an attractive, relaxed format in online events spread over the year.

The first three events are already available on demand in the Roadshow’s digital lecture hall. Get exciting insights related to:

  • Management of buildings and distributed properties
  • Efficient automation of building technology systems
  • The requirements of modern energy management

In the half-hour sessions, WAGO expert shed light on current challenges facing the building industry and provide impetus for efficient approaches to building technology solutions.


Customer Applications: Building Technology

Do you want your building project to succeed? Are you looking for solutions for building installation and automation?
Here you’ll find inspiration for your project and see highlights from our customer applications.


Smart Building

Digitization and networking create opportunities, but also challenges. A smart building must provide occupants and operators with an optimal environment and be able to adapt flexibly to their needs at all times. WAGO provides the best products and solutions to meet these requirements.


White Paper: Smart Building

In our white paper “Smart Building – Intelligent Networking in Buildings,” you’ll learn what distinguishes smart buildings and what technologies and methods they require.

New Products

Secure Pluggable Connections Easily

Secure Attachment with the WAGO WINSTA® Mounting Adapter for Flying Leads

Inspiration for You

Insight, background and know-how:

WAGO lets you discover building technology from multiple angles.


Building Installation and Automation Applications

Whether you are planning lighting installations and automation in your office building, retrofitting a heating, ventilation and air-conditioning system or involved with room automation, WAGO helps you meet your requirements in buildings.

Perfect Lighting Installation and Automation Solutions

Cost efficiency and energy efficiency play a significant role in lighting. WAGO’s solutions provide long-term support for planning and meeting your objectives.


Room Automation and Installation

Today and tomorrow: To be competitive, buildings need maximum cost-efficiency and the ability to serve a variety of purposes.


HVAC Technology for Tomorrow

Heating and cooling applications account for more than 55 % of total energy consumption. The energy transition leads directly to the boiler room. You can rely on WAGO’s solutions for the ventilation systems of tomorrow.


Identify and Exploit Potential

Saving energy is good for the environment and for business. Performing the proper analysis and taking the right steps can lead to sustainable profit. WAGO is your partner for effective energy management.


WAGO at Work

Reports and Customer Applications from the Building Technology Sector

WAGO develops products and solutions that help you meet your challenges quickly, easily and safely. We are your partner and provide individual support with know-how and an innovative spirit.


The “Internet of Things” Gains a Foothold in Buildings

With the opening of the “Cisco openBerlin Innovation Center,” the global leader in Internet and network solutions is writing a new chapter in building technology.


Avoid Errors and Save Time

The WINSTA® Pluggable Connection System provided safe and fast electrical installation during the relocation of the Swiss Post headquarters.


Protocols in Building Automation

The WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM provides users with a wide range of interface solutions for bus systems and subsystems for building automation.

Regardless of whether you are using KNX, BACnet, LON® or MODBUS TCP/IP for building automation – use our system to create open, flexible solutions. Make manufacturer-specific solutions be a thing of the past. You will also be extremely flexible when it comes to communicating with subsystems and interfaces. A great variety of protocols are supported, including:

Your WAGO Contact

Additional service offerings:

WAGO in other areas


Automation and contact technology from WAGO is not only represented in the field of building technology. Find out what solutions WAGO offers in other industries.


Into the Digital Future

The energy sector is facing great challenges in every area. Intelligent networking and innovative solutions from WAGO help meet these challenges.

Lighting Technology

Let Your Light Shine

From connection technology for LED modules and drivers, to lighting connection and lighting management, WAGO has the experience and solutions to help you implement lighting efficiently and effectively.
