Open Automation

WAGO Cloud

#openandeasy: Universal IoT Solution for Machines, Systems and Buildings

WAGO Cloud lets you collect and analyze the data of various machines from a central location. It also allows WAGO controllers to be easily managed and monitored along with their data and applications. Combining simplicity with usability, WAGO Cloud was developed so that people without IT experience can use it.

The Benefits for You:

Custom Solution for Your Need

Request Your Custom Solution Now!

In addition to advice and tools to optimize your own processes, we plan your custom solution for you and with you on a controller or edge device.

Greater Transparency and User-Friendliness

For most users, the most important factor in cloud computing is the availability of all the information at any time and from any location. With the current WAGO Cloud release, numerous new functions are now available.

New Visualization Options

In this most recent update, WAGO has reworked the dashboard to significantly improve user-friendliness. Chief among the improvements are interactive dashboards that now offer a zoom-in function and support new visualization and display functions. For example, data series from different sources can be combined into a single graphic, making correlations easier to recognize.

A typical application is comparing current and historical data, allowing long-term trends to be analyzed easily. The new version also offers a greater range of options for data evaluation. Key calculations such as trend analyses, regressions and correlations can be performed in just a few steps. The resulting information provides the foundation for data-driven decision-making.

More Billing Options

The new release also makes WAGO Cloud billing more flexible. Besides the existing payment option via license points, which are available in the form of packages, there is an additional billing option via an automated monthly billing system for all EU countries. This allows users to set custom upper limits to closely control costs. Additionally, an EDM flat rate with fixed costs for each WAGO Cloud-connected controller is possible.

The Benefits for You:

  • New Visualization Options
  • Easy data evaluation
  • Additional billing options

WAGO Cloud “Building Operation and Control”

Digitization of facility management offers great potential for efficiency improvement. WAGO Cloud’s “Building Operation and Control” is a great way to get started with managing and monitoring distributed properties with local infrastructure and decentralized systems from a central point – all in a single package.

Try WAGO Cloud for Free

Getting Started Is Easy: Register and Try It Now!

WAGO Cloud offers you a complete IoT system which, together with the PFC controllers and control panels, makes connection to new or existing machines and systems easy. You can use WAGO Cloud free of charge for a 30-day trial period. You will receive 100 license points from WAGO to use as you wish. With our flexible and simplified license model, you always have full control and can adapt the functionality to your specific needs.

An Overview of WAGO Cloud Functions


Maximum Availability, Minimum Effort

Increasing digitization is bringing automation and information technology closer together. This presents companies with great challenges – after all, not every small or medium-sized business is willing or able to maintain its own IT department. WAGO allows automation engineers to continue to focus on automation.

WAGO Cloud allows you to centrally collect and analyze data from different machines and systems. Furthermore, you can manage and monitor all WAGO controllers, including your data and application, on a PC, in a conference room or on a tablet while traveling. With simple, user-friendly functions, WAGO Cloud was developed for use it without extensive IT experience. Using WAGO Cloud is highly intuitive due to its app structure. Many standard functions such as visualization, remote maintenance and firmware update are already set up. Your WAGO Cloud is ready after just a few mouse clicks.

WAGO Cloud is based on the established Microsoft Azure cloud platform. That has numerous advantages for you: Microsoft Azure is highly scalable in terms of computing power, data storage, transactions, availability and security standards – it represents a future-proof solution.

Do You Need Greater Customization for
Your Specific Application?


Scalable Solutions: WAGO Cloud, Customized

In the vast majority of applications, the functions provided by WAGO Cloud suffice to model your processes digitally. Wherever an application-specific solution is indispensable to you, we’ll support you in implementing it.

With M&M Software as a member of the WAGO Group, WAGO has a partner for the integrated development of industrial and technical software solutions.

We examine the unique requirements of your company together with you and find the solution that’s right for you. Because WAGO Cloud is the underlying platform, the actual expansion can start immediately. Based on Microsoft’s Azure Cloud, WAGO Cloud has a rapidly expanding number of services and tools to provide you with the perfect foundation for implementing application-specific solutions. We’re always happy to provide guidance.

“The WAGO Cloud solution developed for us is a tailored solution, but is still scalable at will.”

Lars Baumann, Team Leader of Asset Management, Avacon Natur GmbH

WAGO Analytics

When it comes to optimizing a system, the challenges lie in improving and quantifying knowledge of the process and incorporating the results back into the process. WAGO Analytics supports you from data acquisition to analysis and creates intuitive visualizations of dependencies in the systems. The interrelationships it uncovers can be incorporated into the processes, allowing you to exploit potential for optimization.


Customer Applications Related to the Cloud

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Related to the Topic

Cloud Connectivity

Do you want to exchange real data with the digital world efficiently and securely? Then discover cloud connectivity with WAGO products. It is based on the MQTT protocol, paving the way directly to the WAGO Cloud and allowing access to a large number of cloud solutions and services from various vendors.


Recommended Reading

Compatible with Our Cloud

Touch Panels

WAGO’s high-performance touch panels not only improve the operability of machines and systems, but also offer an outstanding design and advanced technology.


Automation Software

Automate machines, systems and buildings more efficiently. WAGO’s software solutions make this possible, guaranteeing that you can integrate open standards.



Optimum performance and availability: Thanks to their ultra-high performance, low power consumption, numerous interfaces, space-saving design and high level of reliability, WAGO’s user-friendly controllers (PLCs) are cost-effective automation solutions.
