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false, "cancelled" : false, "categoryNames" : [ "Energy Measurement Technology" ], "code" : "855-4105/250-101", "containsDownloads" : true, "customerArticleNumbers" : [ ], "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "Product", "description" : "Short description:
WAGO‘s compact split-core current transformers are ideal
for retrofitting existing systems. They are perfect for applications
in which the current path must not be disrupted.
The transformer’s accuracy permits extremely precise
current measurements. The split-core current transformers
are capable of supplying the specified rated power at
the end of the secondary cable. All transformers are supplied
with color-coded cables. Two UV-resistant cable ties
are also included for secure and easy mounting.
  • Current ratios from 250 A (primary side) and 5 A (secondary side)
  • No measuring cable interruption
  • Ideal for use in very confined spaces
  • Rapid mounting
  • For use around insulated cables up to 28 mm diameter
  • Compact and hinged
  • Color-coded connecting cable 0.5 m
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WAGO‘s compact split-core current transformers are ideal
for retrofitting existing systems. They are perfect for applications
in which the current path must not be disrupted.
The transformer’s accuracy permits extremely precise
current measurements. The split-core current transformers
are capable of supplying the specified rated power at
the end of the secondary cable. All transformers are supplied
with color-coded cables. Two UV-resistant cable ties
are also included for secure and easy mounting.
  • Current ratios from 150 A (primary side) and 5 A (secondary side)
  • No measuring cable interruption
  • Ideal for use in very confined spaces
  • Rapid mounting
  • For use around insulated cables up to 18 mm diameter
  • Compact and hinged
  • Color-coded connecting cable 0.5 m
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Comprehensive energy measurement is necessary for optimizing energy consumption. WAGO now has new energy meters in its portfolio that simplify this task while providing several key advantages. They use the push-in connection technology with a lever, making them connect quickly and easily. The devices have a width of just 72 mm for direct measurement. These widths save a tremendous amount of control cabinet space. In addition to the values for active and reactive energy, the energy meters also record the mains frequency as well as current, voltage and power for all phases. And the user can conveniently see all of these energy characteristics at a glance on a large, illuminated display.
  • Saving time at every level thanks to the Push-in CAGE CLAMP® and lever
  • Real space savings: 72 mm wide (4PS)
  • Measurement of delivery and purchase
  • Energy recording via 4 rates
  • The communications pro: M-Bus and Modbus® interface and 2 S0 pulse outputs
  • Full transparency at a glance: Display energy quality characteristics on an illuminated full-format display
  • Intuitive configuration: Touch-sensitive controls and configuration app via Bluetooth®
", "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "images" : [ { "format" : "120", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/120-8221075-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxOTUyMHxpbWFnZS9qcGVnfGFEQm1MMmczTUM4eE5EQTBNREEwTnpJMU5UVTRNaTh4TWpCZk9ESXlNVEEzTlY5RVJTNXFjR2N8YmVmOWNhM2E0ZjRjNjU5ZjJmYzVhY2FjNDQzZDBhNjcwOWFhOTNlZjNlYTEyN2Y1ODMyZGEwNmQyOGEwZmU5Ng" }, { "format" : "200", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/200-8221075-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxODMzNXxpbWFnZS9qcGVnfGFEYzNMMmczTXk4eE5EQTBNREEwTnpFMU56STNPQzh5TURCZk9ESXlNVEEzTlY5RVJTNXFjR2N8ZjRhZDllNTFlMDVkZjNkMWU1YTE0OWE3ZjA2OTc0MDgzYzQ5NDI5ZDliZTk1NjQzMzI2MDYyM2RmN2ZkNmZmMw" }, { "format" : "480", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/480-8221075-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3w0NzczN3xpbWFnZS9qcGVnfGFHTmxMMmczTXk4eE5EQTBNREEwTnpFeU5EVXhNQzgwT0RCZk9ESXlNVEEzTlY5RVJTNXFjR2N8OWYxMTcwYjQ0OWI3NTgzNGY0Mzk3NWFmMmUzMDgxNmUzNjBjNWNiNGEwNzQ0YmUzY2RjYTkyNzBhNzllN2I1MQ" } ], "infoArticle" : false, "name" : "Contador de consumo energético (MID); para conexión directa; 65 A; 3 x 230/400 V; 50 Hz; Modbus® y M-Bus; 2 x interfaz S0; 4 PS", "newProduct" : false, "numberContentUnits" : 1.0, "numberPackageUnits" : 1.0, "purchasable" : true, "sampleProduct" : false, "shortName" : "Contador de consumo energético (MID)", "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "unit" : { "name" : "Pz", "namePlural" : "Pieces" }, "url" : "/energy-measurement-technology/contador-de-consumo-energ%C3%A9tico-mid/p/879-3020", "uuid" : "wagoProductCatalog/Online/879-3020" }, { "announced" : false, "cancelled" : false, "categoryNames" : [ "Energy Measurement Technology" ], "code" : "879-3040", "containsDownloads" : true, "customerArticleNumbers" : [ ], "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "Product", "description" : "Short description:
Comprehensive energy measurement is necessary for optimizing energy consumption. WAGO now has new energy meters in its portfolio that simplify this task while providing several key advantages. They use the push-in connection technology with a lever, making them connect quickly and easily. Versions for current transformers are even slimmer at only 35 mm. These widths save a tremendous amount of control cabinet space. In addition to the values for active and reactive energy, the energy meters also record the mains frequency as well as current, voltage and power for all phases. And the user can conveniently see all of these energy characteristics at a glance on a large, illuminated display.
  • Saving time at every level thanks to the Push-in CAGE CLAMP® and lever
  • Real space savings: 35 mm wide (2PUCT)
  • Measurement of delivery and purchase
  • Energy recording via 4 rates
  • The communications pro: M-Bus and Modbus® interface and 2 S0 pulse outputs
  • Full transparency at a glance: Display energy quality characteristics on an illuminated full-format display
  • Intuitive configuration: Touch-sensitive controls and configuration app via Bluetooth®
", "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "images" : [ { "format" : "120", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/120-8216982-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wyMDY5fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YURBNEwyZzFOeTh4TkRBME1EQTRNVE13TVRVek5DOHhNakJmT0RJeE5qazRNbDlFUlM1cWNHY3w1NWU1MWM0MzExMTY2ZGUzOGQ1NmQ2M2M0ZGEwYzQwYWQ3ZTRlMTdhMjQ5ZGU5MmY2YTA2ZTJhOTUyNTkzMDg0" }, { "format" : "200", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/200-8216982-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxMzQzfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YURNM0wyZzFNQzh4TkRBME1EQTRNVEV3TkRreU5pOHlNREJmT0RJeE5qazRNbDlFUlM1cWNHY3xhYWRkNGVhZGI0ODY1MzZlYmFkNWQ4YmQ0OGRhZGY2ZDdhNGIzOGQ4MWZmZTk3YzNkZmIxZmE3OTkyNWNiZmQy" }, { "format" : "480", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/480-8216982-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxOTI5NnxpbWFnZS9qcGVnfGFESTJMMmcwWkM4eE5EQTBNREE0TVRBek9UTTVNQzgwT0RCZk9ESXhOams0TWw5RVJTNXFjR2N8ZDUxNjFhOWYzYTg3N2U2NDU1NWU0ZDAzZDFlZjc3ZmJiNDYyYmI0ZjUxNDkwMDEzOTkwZGZmMGMwNGRlMTE1Ng" } ], "infoArticle" : false, "name" : "Contador de consumo energético (MID24); para conexión de transformador; 1 A / 5 A; 3 x 230/400 V; 50 Hz; Modbus® y M-Bus; 2 x interfaz S0; 2PU CT", "newProduct" : false, "numberContentUnits" : 1.0, "numberPackageUnits" : 1.0, "purchasable" : true, "sampleProduct" : false, "shortName" : "Contador de consumo energético (MID24)", "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "unit" : { "name" : "Pz", "namePlural" : "Pieces" }, "url" : "/energy-measurement-technology/contador-de-consumo-energ%C3%A9tico-mid24/p/879-3040", "uuid" : "wagoProductCatalog/Online/879-3040" }, { "announced" : false, "cancelled" : false, "categoryNames" : [ "Energy Measurement Technology" ], "code" : "879-3000", "containsDownloads" : true, "customerArticleNumbers" : [ ], "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "Product", "description" : "Short description:
Comprehensive energy measurement is necessary for optimizing energy consumption. WAGO now has new energy meters in its portfolio that simplify this task while providing several key advantages. They use the push-in connection technology with a lever, making them connect quickly and easily. The devices have a width of just 72 mm for direct measurement. These widths save a tremendous amount of control cabinet space. In addition to the values for active and reactive energy, the energy meters also record the mains frequency as well as current, voltage and power for all phases. And the user can conveniently see all of these energy characteristics at a glance on a large, illuminated display.
  • Saving time at every level thanks to the Push-in CAGE CLAMP® and lever
  • Real space savings: 72 mm wide (4PU)
  • Measurement of delivery and purchase
  • Energy recording via 4 rates
  • The communications pro: M-Bus and Modbus® interface and 2 S0 pulse outputs
  • Full transparency at a glance: Display energy quality characteristics on an illuminated full-format display
  • Intuitive configuration: Touch-sensitive controls and configuration app via Bluetooth®
", "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "images" : [ { "format" : "120", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/120-8221071-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxOTcwOXxpbWFnZS9qcGVnfGFHSmtMMmd3WXk4eE5EQTBNREEyT1RVd05UQTFOQzh4TWpCZk9ESXlNVEEzTVY5RVJTNXFjR2N8ZDIyYWE4NTVjMmVhYTI5YzFlMWY4YmM0YTVmYjgzODlkMjE0YjNjMWEwM2E0YTFjZmU0ZGU4Y2Y0NzcxN2RiZg" }, { "format" : "200", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/200-8221071-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxODQ3N3xpbWFnZS9qcGVnfGFEVTFMMmd3T1M4eE5EQTBNREEyT1RRd05qYzFNQzh5TURCZk9ESXlNVEEzTVY5RVJTNXFjR2N8NTUyMTU1Zjg2ZTBjNjc1MTZlNzdiM2UzYWE1MzJlYWE3Y2VmZDYzNjkzNzVhM2U3YjNiNTJmMWQ4MWFkZTMxNg" }, { "format" : "480", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/480-8221071-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3w0Nzg4N3xpbWFnZS9qcGVnfGFHRmxMMmd3Tmk4eE5EQTBNREEyT1RNM016azRNaTgwT0RCZk9ESXlNVEEzTVY5RVJTNXFjR2N8MTBhOGU2NmU4YTUzOGM4NjUwMTM1MGQ2ZDdjOTIwYWZjOTBmMGU1ZDg4ZWYxYjQ3NWUyNDNhMTBjODg2MDk3Nw" } ], "infoArticle" : false, "name" : "Contador de consumo energético (MID); para conexión directa; 65 A; 3 x 230/400 V; 50 Hz; Modbus® y M-Bus; 2 x interfaz S0; 4 PU", "newProduct" : false, "numberContentUnits" : 1.0, "numberPackageUnits" : 1.0, "purchasable" : true, "sampleProduct" : false, "shortName" : "Contador de consumo energético (MID)", "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "unit" : { "name" : "Pz", "namePlural" : "Pieces" }, "url" : "/energy-measurement-technology/contador-de-consumo-energ%C3%A9tico-mid/p/879-3000", "uuid" : "wagoProductCatalog/Online/879-3000" }, { "announced" : false, "cancelled" : false, "categoryNames" : [ "Energy Measurement Technology" ], "code" : "855-2701/035-001", "containsDownloads" : true, "customerArticleNumbers" : [ ], "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "Product", "description" : "

Short description:

These plug-in units (855 Series) are inductive, single-conductor current transformers. Due to the measurement principle used, these current transformers are exclusively designed for AC network applications.

  • First current transformer with picoMAX® connection technology
  • Ready for space-restricted applications
  • Simple assembly permits 17.5 mm phase spacing, allowing perfect adjustment to any circuit breaker.
  • Easily mount on DIN-rail or panels via DIN-rail adapter
  • Converts current from 64 A or 35 A to 1 A
  • Accuracy class: 1
", "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "images" : [ { "format" : "120", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/120-9409597-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wyMjk5fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YURjMUwyZ3paaTh4TXpjNU9ESXdOekEyTWpBME5pOHhNakJmT1RRd09UVTVOMTlFUlM1cWNHY3xlMzFkMTg1OTc0N2FkYzQwMTYyODk4ZDJkOTdjOTU0OTM5ZDNhMGRhNGEzMmE0MjlkNmMxZTAxNTNlMTJmMWFm" }, { "format" : "200", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/200-9409597-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxNTM2fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YURBMkwyZ3daaTh4TXpjNU9ESXdOamcyTlRRek9DOHlNREJmT1RRd09UVTVOMTlFUlM1cWNHY3w5ZjZiNDU3OGU3NGU5OWViMDY1YzhiYWFhY2UwNmIxNzhkNWNhZjc1MTJkN2E5OTQ2MGY4Y2E5YmFkMWQ1OWNk" }, { "format" : "480", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/480-9409597-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxNDkwN3xpbWFnZS9qcGVnfGFERTNMMmd4TWk4eE16YzVPREl3TmpjNU9Ua3dNaTgwT0RCZk9UUXdPVFU1TjE5RVJTNXFjR2N8MTYzNGM0MzliMTAyOTAyZjhiNzZjNmJjMGM2NGYxMDJkMmI3ZTVlNDZjMTY3MmI5ODRkZmNhZDg0NjM2NWZmMA" } ], "infoArticle" : false, "name" : "Transformadores enchufables de intensidad; Corriente asignada primaria 35A; Corriente asignada secundaria 1A; Potencia asignada 0,2VA; Clase de precisión 1", "newProduct" : false, "numberContentUnits" : 1.0, "numberPackageUnits" : 15.0, "purchasable" : true, "sampleProduct" : false, "shortName" : "Transformadores enchufables de intensidad", "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "unit" : { "name" : "Pz", "namePlural" : "Pieces" }, "url" : "/energy-measurement-technology/transformadores-enchufables-de-intensidad/p/855-2701_035-001", "uuid" : "wagoProductCatalog/Online/855-2701/035-001" }, { "announced" : false, "cancelled" : false, "categoryNames" : [ "Energy Measurement Technology" ], "code" : "855-4001/100-001", "containsDownloads" : true, "customerArticleNumbers" : [ ], "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "Product", "description" : "Short description:
WAGO‘s compact split-core current transformers are ideal
for retrofitting existing systems. They are perfect for applications
in which the current path must not be disrupted.
The transformer’s accuracy permits extremely precise
current measurements. The split-core current transformers
are capable of supplying the specified rated power at
the end of the secondary cable. All transformers are supplied
with color-coded cables. Two UV-resistant cable ties
are also included for secure and easy mounting.
  • Current ratios from 100 A (primary side) and 1 A (secondary side)
  • No measuring cable interruption
  • Ideal for use in very confined spaces
  • Rapid mounting
  • For use around insulated cables up to 18 mm diameter
  • Compact and hinged
  • Color-coded connecting cable 3 m
", "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "images" : [ { "format" : "120", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/120-020000190003f101000100b6-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxNDM3fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YURZNEwyZzNaQzh4TkRNNU9UZ3pNekEwTnpBM01DOHhNakJmTURJd01EQXdNVGt3TURBelpqRXdNVEF3TURFd01HSTJYMFJGTG1wd1p3fDkzZGYyZDBhYTI4YTlkZjlmNDE4MTYzMTk5N2JjOTNkMmVlODRjMGNiNmVjZjYyNTMwODMwNzBkYjYwZTU2YWI" }, { "format" : "200", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/200-020000190003f101000100b6-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxMTIyfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YUdRd0wyaGpZaTh4TkRNNU9UZ3pNamcxTURRMk1pOHlNREJmTURJd01EQXdNVGt3TURBelpqRXdNVEF3TURFd01HSTJYMFJGTG1wd1p3fGVmMjMyMWViNWVlZmJmNjI5MjA2NmI3ZWQ5MTk0N2ViNGEwNGNiNDMzZjU3OGQwZjk3N2E3NjhiMmJmN2VhZDg" }, { "format" : "480", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/480-020000190003f101000100b6-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3w5NjUyfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YUdVeUwyaGpaUzh4TkRNNU9UZ3pNamM0TkRreU5pODBPREJmTURJd01EQXdNVGt3TURBelpqRXdNVEF3TURFd01HSTJYMFJGTG1wd1p3fGFkODUzOGM5ZTgyY2ZmZTYzMTMxMDVhZjZkM2JkZTljMTljN2IyNTdjYmE4OWE4MGZkZjJlNTg4MmIzMzM0MDY" } ], "infoArticle" : false, "name" : "Transformador de intensidad con núcleo dividido; Corriente asignada primaria 100A; Corriente asignada secundaria 1A; Potencia asignada 0,2VA; Clase de precisión 1; Longitud del conductor 3m", "newProduct" : false, "numberContentUnits" : 1.0, "numberPackageUnits" : 1.0, "purchasable" : true, "sampleProduct" : false, "shortName" : "Transformador de intensidad con núcleo dividido", "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "unit" : { "name" : "Pz", "namePlural" : "Pieces" }, "url" : "/energy-measurement-technology/transformador-de-intensidad-con-n%C3%BAcleo-dividido/p/855-4001_100-001", "uuid" : "wagoProductCatalog/Online/855-4001/100-001" }, { "announced" : false, "cancelled" : false, "categoryNames" : [ "Energy Measurement Technology" ], "code" : "855-4101/250-001", "containsDownloads" : true, "customerArticleNumbers" : [ ], "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "Product", "description" : "Short description:
WAGO‘s compact split-core current transformers are ideal
for retrofitting existing systems. They are perfect for applications
in which the current path must not be disrupted.
The transformer’s accuracy permits extremely precise
current measurements. The split-core current transformers
are capable of supplying the specified rated power at
the end of the secondary cable. All transformers are supplied
with color-coded cables. Two UV-resistant cable ties
are also included for secure and easy mounting.
  • Current ratios from 250 A (primary side) and 1 A (secondary side)
  • No measuring cable interruption
  • Ideal for use in very confined spaces
  • Rapid mounting
  • For use around insulated cables up to 28 mm diameter
  • Compact and hinged
  • Color-coded connecting cable 3 m
", "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "images" : [ { "format" : "120", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/120-020000190003f18e000100b6-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxNDM2fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YUdGaEwyaGpOaTh4TXprNU9USTRNemc1TmpNMU1DOHhNakJmTURJd01EQXdNVGt3TURBelpqRTRaVEF3TURFd01HSTJYMFJGTG1wd1p3fGUzNTM4ZDVkNTY5MTM1NTYzNzQ1MTAyMGRlMWM2NDU0YWFmYTc0YmM2MWQ1MzA2NjJhMzEwMjg1ZWZkNDU1MjY" }, { "format" : "200", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/200-020000190003f18e000100b6-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxMTEzfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YURKbUwyaGxNaTh4TXprNU9USTRNekEzTnpFMU1DOHlNREJmTURJd01EQXdNVGt3TURBelpqRTRaVEF3TURFd01HSTJYMFJGTG1wd1p3fGZjYmUwYTBiNTk5ZDA5OGNiMmQyNjMxYWU4ZThhN2IzY2IzZDUyYzI1M2ZkOGYxNDJhNmU1OGQwZmNkZTQ5ODM" }, { "format" : "480", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/480-020000190003f18e000100b6-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxMDExNnxpbWFnZS9qcGVnfGFEWTNMMmhqWmk4eE16azVPVEk0TWpnNE1EVTBNaTgwT0RCZk1ESXdNREF3TVRrd01EQXpaakU0WlRBd01ERXdNR0kyWDBSRkxtcHdad3w3MDI4ODc3NTk4NGFhNDliZTExNDgyODdhMjRiN2Y1N2Q1ZTQzNjE3NzI2YzBhYzUzOTAyNjRiYzQzNWFhODEx" } ], "infoArticle" : false, "name" : "Transformador de intensidad con núcleo dividido; Corriente asignada primaria 250A; Corriente asignada secundaria 1A; Potencia asignada 0,2VA; Clase de precisión 1; Longitud del conductor 3m", "newProduct" : false, "numberContentUnits" : 1.0, "numberPackageUnits" : 1.0, "purchasable" : true, "sampleProduct" : false, "shortName" : "Transformador de intensidad con núcleo dividido", "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "unit" : { "name" : "Pz", "namePlural" : "Pieces" }, "url" : "/energy-measurement-technology/transformador-de-intensidad-con-n%C3%BAcleo-dividido/p/855-4101_250-001", "uuid" : "wagoProductCatalog/Online/855-4101/250-001" }, { "announced" : false, "cancelled" : false, "categoryNames" : [ "Energy Measurement Technology" ], "code" : "855-4101/200-001", "containsDownloads" : true, "customerArticleNumbers" : [ ], "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "Product", "description" : "Short description:
WAGO‘s compact split-core current transformers are ideal
for retrofitting existing systems. They are perfect for applications
in which the current path must not be disrupted.
The transformer’s accuracy permits extremely precise
current measurements. The split-core current transformers
are capable of supplying the specified rated power at
the end of the secondary cable. All transformers are supplied
with color-coded cables. Two UV-resistant cable ties
are also included for secure and easy mounting.
  • Current ratios from 200 A (primary side) and 1 A (secondary side)
  • No measuring cable interruption
  • Ideal for use in very confined spaces
  • Rapid mounting
  • For use around insulated cables up to 28 mm diameter
  • Compact and hinged
  • Color-coded connecting cable 3 m
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WAGO‘s compact split-core current transformers are ideal
for retrofitting existing systems. They are perfect for applications
in which the current path must not be disrupted.
The transformer’s accuracy permits extremely precise
current measurements. The split-core current transformers
are capable of supplying the specified rated power at
the end of the secondary cable. All transformers are supplied
with color-coded cables. Two UV-resistant cable ties
are also included for secure and easy mounting.
  • Current ratios from 60 A (primary side) and 1 A (secondary side)
  • No measuring cable interruption
  • Ideal for use in very confined spaces
  • Rapid mounting
  • For use around insulated cables up to 18 mm diameter
  • Compact and hinged
  • Color-coded connecting cable 3 m
", "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "images" : [ { "format" : "120", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/120-020000190003f074000100b6-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxNDczfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YURrM0wyZzRaaTh4TkRBd01EYzROVEk1TXpNME1pOHhNakJmTURJd01EQXdNVGt3TURBelpqQTNOREF3TURFd01HSTJYMFJGTG1wd1p3fDhlOTVlYzA2MTFiOGI0ZmNhMjFmNTBjM2QxODAzM2Q1ZTcyNjMzNDQxZDc2ZDFjZDMwODYzYWM5MGRhYmM0MjY" }, { "format" : "200", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/200-020000190003f074000100b6-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxMTE4fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YURreUwyaGxOUzh4TkRBd01EYzRORGd6TkRVNU1DOHlNREJmTURJd01EQXdNVGt3TURBelpqQTNOREF3TURFd01HSTJYMFJGTG1wd1p3fGFiNGI2YzI3ZWUwZTNiOTI4ZWY0YzEyNTc1YWZiMjQxMzJlMjRkOGQ4Y2JlMzlkMjhhYTFlOTdiZGJiNzIzZWY" }, { "format" : "480", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/480-020000190003f074000100b6-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3w5MzU0fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YUdJNUwyaGxZeTh4TkRBd01EYzRORFl3TlRJeE5DODBPREJmTURJd01EQXdNVGt3TURBelpqQTNOREF3TURFd01HSTJYMFJGTG1wd1p3fGRiMTc0ODQ0YmU4ODk1MWJjMGU3MjU5NmI1MjgxOGYyYTQ3MjUxNWQ0NmI5MDA3OTRkZGExNjEwM2VjM2ViMGE" } ], "infoArticle" : false, "name" : "Transformador de intensidad con núcleo dividido; Corriente asignada primaria 60A; Corriente asignada secundaria 1A; Potencia asignada 0,2VA; Clase de precisión 3; Longitud del conductor 3m", "newProduct" : false, "numberContentUnits" : 1.0, "numberPackageUnits" : 1.0, "purchasable" : true, "sampleProduct" : false, "shortName" : "Transformador de intensidad con núcleo dividido", "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "unit" : { "name" : "Pz", "namePlural" : "Pieces" }, "url" : "/energy-measurement-technology/transformador-de-intensidad-con-n%C3%BAcleo-dividido/p/855-3001_060-003", "uuid" : "wagoProductCatalog/Online/855-3001/060-003" }, { "announced" : false, "cancelled" : false, "categoryNames" : [ "Energy Measurement Technology" ], "code" : "855-4001/150-001", "containsDownloads" : true, "customerArticleNumbers" : [ ], "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "Product", "description" : "Short description:
WAGO‘s compact split-core current transformers are ideal
for retrofitting existing systems. They are perfect for applications
in which the current path must not be disrupted.
The transformer’s accuracy permits extremely precise
current measurements. The split-core current transformers
are capable of supplying the specified rated power at
the end of the secondary cable. All transformers are supplied
with color-coded cables. Two UV-resistant cable ties
are also included for secure and easy mounting.
  • Current ratios from 150 A (primary side) and 1 A (secondary side)
  • No measuring cable interruption
  • Ideal for use in very confined spaces
  • Rapid mounting
  • For use around insulated cables up to 18 mm diameter
  • Compact and hinged
  • Color-coded connecting cable 3 m
", "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "images" : [ { "format" : "120", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/120-020000190003f101000100b6-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxNDM3fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YURZNEwyZzNaQzh4TkRNNU9UZ3pNekEwTnpBM01DOHhNakJmTURJd01EQXdNVGt3TURBelpqRXdNVEF3TURFd01HSTJYMFJGTG1wd1p3fDkzZGYyZDBhYTI4YTlkZjlmNDE4MTYzMTk5N2JjOTNkMmVlODRjMGNiNmVjZjYyNTMwODMwNzBkYjYwZTU2YWI" }, { "format" : "200", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/200-020000190003f101000100b6-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxMTIyfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YUdRd0wyaGpZaTh4TkRNNU9UZ3pNamcxTURRMk1pOHlNREJmTURJd01EQXdNVGt3TURBelpqRXdNVEF3TURFd01HSTJYMFJGTG1wd1p3fGVmMjMyMWViNWVlZmJmNjI5MjA2NmI3ZWQ5MTk0N2ViNGEwNGNiNDMzZjU3OGQwZjk3N2E3NjhiMmJmN2VhZDg" }, { "format" : "480", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/480-020000190003f101000100b6-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3w5NjUyfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YUdVeUwyaGpaUzh4TkRNNU9UZ3pNamM0TkRreU5pODBPREJmTURJd01EQXdNVGt3TURBelpqRXdNVEF3TURFd01HSTJYMFJGTG1wd1p3fGFkODUzOGM5ZTgyY2ZmZTYzMTMxMDVhZjZkM2JkZTljMTljN2IyNTdjYmE4OWE4MGZkZjJlNTg4MmIzMzM0MDY" } ], "infoArticle" : false, "name" : "Transformador de intensidad con núcleo dividido; Corriente asignada primaria 150A; Corriente asignada secundaria 1A; Potencia asignada 0,2VA; Clase de precisión 1; Longitud del conductor 3m", "newProduct" : false, "numberContentUnits" : 1.0, "numberPackageUnits" : 1.0, "purchasable" : true, "sampleProduct" : false, "shortName" : "Transformador de intensidad con núcleo dividido", "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "unit" : { "name" : "Pz", "namePlural" : "Pieces" }, "url" : "/energy-measurement-technology/transformador-de-intensidad-con-n%C3%BAcleo-dividido/p/855-4001_150-001", "uuid" : "wagoProductCatalog/Online/855-4001/150-001" }, { "announced" : false, "cancelled" : false, "categoryNames" : [ "Energy Measurement Technology" ], "code" : "855-5005/400-001", "containsDownloads" : true, "customerArticleNumbers" : [ ], "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "Product", "description" : "Short description:
WAGO‘s compact split-core current transformers are ideal
for retrofitting existing systems. They are perfect for applications
in which the current path must not be disrupted.
The transformer’s accuracy permits extremely precise
current measurements. The split-core current transformers
are capable of supplying the specified rated power at
the end of the secondary cable. All transformers are supplied
with color-coded cables. Two UV-resistant cable ties
are also included for secure and easy mounting.
  • Current ratios from 400 A (primary side) and 5 A (secondary side)
  • No measuring cable interruption
  • Ideal for use in very confined spaces
  • Rapid mounting
  • For use around insulated cables up to 42 mm diameter
  • Compact and hinged
  • Color-coded connecting cable 3 m
", "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "images" : [ { "format" : "120", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/120-020000190003f21b000100b6-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxOTQxfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YUdGbEwyaG1PUzh4TXprNU9UYzJNamd3TURZM01DOHhNakJmTURJd01EQXdNVGt3TURBelpqSXhZakF3TURFd01HSTJYMFJGTG1wd1p3fGNlNzE4YmRlZmEzM2I5MjM1MDFiOGZmN2MwZmE3NTc0YjE5MzRkZDdkMTkxMjE1NTE1MjgwMTg5Y2UwOTQ2YzA" }, { "format" : "200", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/200-020000190003f21b000100b6-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxNDE0fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YURKa0wyaGtaaTh4TXprNU9UYzJNakEzT1RjM05DOHlNREJmTURJd01EQXdNVGt3TURBelpqSXhZakF3TURFd01HSTJYMFJGTG1wd1p3fDZhZDM1MTM2MTVlOWI1YzNmNjk0NDA2MmQ3OTdkMDc1YjdmMjczMGRiZWU4NTRmNWZlNThkN2JkMTUxOGFhOTc" }, { "format" : "480", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/480-020000190003f21b000100b6-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxMzc4NXxpbWFnZS9qcGVnfGFEWmxMMmc1TUM4eE16azVPVGMyTVRnMU1ETTVPQzgwT0RCZk1ESXdNREF3TVRrd01EQXpaakl4WWpBd01ERXdNR0kyWDBSRkxtcHdad3wwY2MwMjQ5NTVjYTQ0ZDMzZTQxMmJhOWQ1YWM0YjY4NjQ3MGE5MDJjZDYzNDVjZjY5NTc4ZjFiNzg2NzA5ZmQz" } ], "infoArticle" : false, "name" : "Transformador de intensidad con núcleo dividido; Corriente asignada primaria 400A; Corriente asignada secundaria 5A; Potencia asignada 0,5VA; Clase de precisión 1; Longitud del conductor 3m", "newProduct" : false, "numberContentUnits" : 1.0, "numberPackageUnits" : 1.0, "purchasable" : true, "sampleProduct" : false, "shortName" : "Transformador de intensidad con núcleo dividido", "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "unit" : { "name" : "Pz", "namePlural" : "Pieces" }, "url" : "/energy-measurement-technology/transformador-de-intensidad-con-n%C3%BAcleo-dividido/p/855-5005_400-001", "uuid" : "wagoProductCatalog/Online/855-5005/400-001" }, { "announced" : false, "cancelled" : false, "categoryNames" : [ "Energy Measurement Technology" ], "code" : "855-4105/400-101", "containsDownloads" : true, "customerArticleNumbers" : [ ], "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "Product", "description" : "Short description:
WAGO‘s compact split-core current transformers are ideal
for retrofitting existing systems. They are perfect for applications
in which the current path must not be disrupted.
The transformer’s accuracy permits extremely precise
current measurements. The split-core current transformers
are capable of supplying the specified rated power at
the end of the secondary cable. All transformers are supplied
with color-coded cables. Two UV-resistant cable ties
are also included for secure and easy mounting.
  • Current ratios from 400 A (primary side) and 5 A (secondary side)
  • No measuring cable interruption
  • Ideal for use in very confined spaces
  • Rapid mounting
  • For use around insulated cables up to 28 mm diameter
  • Compact and hinged
  • Color-coded connecting cable 0.5 m
", "hasCounterparts" : false, "hasFollowUpProduct" : false, "images" : [ { "format" : "120", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/120-020000190003f18e000100b6-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxNDM2fGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YUdGaEwyaGpOaTh4TXprNU9USTRNemc1TmpNMU1DOHhNakJmTURJd01EQXdNVGt3TURBelpqRTRaVEF3TURFd01HSTJYMFJGTG1wd1p3fGUzNTM4ZDVkNTY5MTM1NTYzNzQ1MTAyMGRlMWM2NDU0YWFmYTc0YmM2MWQ1MzA2NjJhMzEwMjg1ZWZkNDU1MjY" }, { "format" : "200", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/200-020000190003f18e000100b6-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxMTEzfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YURKbUwyaGxNaTh4TXprNU9USTRNekEzTnpFMU1DOHlNREJmTURJd01EQXdNVGt3TURBelpqRTRaVEF3TURFd01HSTJYMFJGTG1wd1p3fGZjYmUwYTBiNTk5ZDA5OGNiMmQyNjMxYWU4ZThhN2IzY2IzZDUyYzI1M2ZkOGYxNDJhNmU1OGQwZmNkZTQ5ODM" }, { "format" : "480", "imageType" : "PRIMARY", "url" : "/medias/480-020000190003f18e000100b6-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxMDExNnxpbWFnZS9qcGVnfGFEWTNMMmhqWmk4eE16azVPVEk0TWpnNE1EVTBNaTgwT0RCZk1ESXdNREF3TVRrd01EQXpaakU0WlRBd01ERXdNR0kyWDBSRkxtcHdad3w3MDI4ODc3NTk4NGFhNDliZTExNDgyODdhMjRiN2Y1N2Q1ZTQzNjE3NzI2YzBhYzUzOTAyNjRiYzQzNWFhODEx" } ], "infoArticle" : false, "name" : "Transformador de intensidad con núcleo dividido; Corriente asignada primaria 400A; Corriente asignada secundaria 5A; Potencia asignada 1VA; Clase de precisión 1; Longitud del conductor 0,5m", "newProduct" : false, "numberContentUnits" : 1.0, "numberPackageUnits" : 1.0, "purchasable" : true, "sampleProduct" : false, "shortName" : "Transformador de intensidad con núcleo dividido", "showFamily" : false, "stockArticle" : false, "unit" : { "name" : "Pz", "namePlural" : "Pieces" }, "url" : "/energy-measurement-technology/transformador-de-intensidad-con-n%C3%BAcleo-dividido/p/855-4105_400-101", "uuid" : "wagoProductCatalog/Online/855-4105/400-101" }, { "announced" : false, "cancelled" : false, "categoryNames" : [ "Energy Measurement Technology" ], "code" : "855-951/250-000", "containsDownloads" : true, "customerArticleNumbers" : [ ], "customerSpecific" : false, "dataType" : "Product", "description" : "Breve descripción:
La derivación de corriente y tensión para bornas de paso para corrientes elevadas de 95 mm² proporciona el escenario perfecto para la gestión energética,
porque allí donde se mide la electricidad, se necesitan corriente y tensión. La derivación de corriente y tensión, una combinación de transformador de intensidad y toma de medida de tensión, se puede montar de forma rápida y sencilla en la ranura de puenteado de la borna de paso para corrientes elevadas de 95 mm² de WAGO.
Un fusible en el flujo descendente protege de forma fiable los contadores. El transformador de intensidad integrado (índice de conversión de 250 A/1 A) permite medir con precisión la corriente conforme a EN 61869-2 (clase de precisión: 0,5).
Los conectores de salida de corriente se marcan con S1 (negro) y S2 (rojo). Tanto la conexión como la desconexión de los conductores flexibles se realizan mediante teclas de accionamiento. La configuración de 5 polos (2 x S1 y 3 x S2) proporciona las siguientes ventajas:
  • El transformador de intensidad (S1 y S2) puede cortocircuitarse con un puente (2000-402)
  • Puente-estrella directo en transformador de intensidad

La tensión se conecta utilizando una borna de carril redundante.
Además, la derivación de corriente y tensión se puede marcar con tiras continuas o con el sistema de marcaje múltiple WMB.
  • Los datos de energía pueden aprovecharse directamente en la fuente de alimentación
  • Fácil instalación: solo tiene que insertar el punto en la ranura de puenteado de la borna de paso de 95 mm² para corrientes elevadas
  • Transformador de intensidad de 250 A/1 A integrado
  • Clase de precisión: 0,5
  • Circuito de tensión protegido con fusible
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WAGO‘s compact split-core current transformers are ideal
for retrofitting existing systems. They are perfect for applications
in which the current path must not be disrupted.
The transformer’s accuracy permits extremely precise
current measurements. The split-core current transformers
are capable of supplying the specified rated power at
the end of the secondary cable. All transformers are supplied
with color-coded cables. Two UV-resistant cable ties
are also included for secure and easy mounting.
  • Current ratios from 1000 A (primary side) and 5 A (secondary side)
  • No measuring cable interruption
  • Ideal for use in very confined spaces
  • Rapid mounting
  • For use around insulated cables up to 42 mm diameter
  • Compact and hinged
  • Color-coded connecting cable 3 m
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These plug-in units (855 Series) are inductive, single-conductor current transformers. Due to the measurement principle used, these current transformers are exclusively designed for AC network applications.

  • All-new design with picoMAX® connection technology
  • Ready for space-restricted applications
  • Simple assembly permits 17.5 mm phase spacing, allowing perfect adjustment to any circuit breaker.
  • Easily mount on DIN-rail or panels via DIN-rail adapter
  • Convert current from 64 A or 35 A to 1 A
  • Accuracy class: 1
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WAGO‘s compact split-core current transformers are ideal
for retrofitting existing systems. They are perfect for applications
in which the current path must not be disrupted.
The transformer’s accuracy permits extremely precise
current measurements. The split-core current transformers
are capable of supplying the specified rated power at
the end of the secondary cable. All transformers are supplied
with color-coded cables. Two UV-resistant cable ties
are also included for secure and easy mounting.
  • Current ratios from 250 A (primary side) and 1 A (secondary side)
  • No measuring cable interruption
  • Ideal for use in very confined spaces
  • Rapid mounting
  • For use around insulated cables up to 42 mm diameter
  • Compact and hinged
  • Color-coded connecting cable 5 m
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WAGO‘s compact split-core current transformers are ideal
for retrofitting existing systems. They are perfect for applications
in which the current path must not be disrupted.
The transformer’s accuracy permits extremely precise
current measurements. The split-core current transformers
are capable of supplying the specified rated power at
the end of the secondary cable. All transformers are supplied
with color-coded cables. Two UV-resistant cable ties
are also included for secure and easy mounting.
  • Current ratios from 400 A (primary side) and 1 A (secondary side)
  • No measuring cable interruption
  • Ideal for use in very confined spaces
  • Rapid mounting
  • For use around insulated cables up to 42 mm diameter
  • Compact and hinged
  • Color-coded connecting cable 5 m
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WAGO‘s compact split-core current transformers are ideal
for retrofitting existing systems. They are perfect for applications
in which the current path must not be disrupted.
The transformer’s accuracy permits extremely precise
current measurements. The split-core current transformers
are capable of supplying the specified rated power at
the end of the secondary cable. All transformers are supplied
with color-coded cables. Two UV-resistant cable ties
are also included for secure and easy mounting.
  • Current ratios from 100 A (primary side) and 1 A (secondary side)
  • No measuring cable interruption
  • Ideal for use in very confined spaces
  • Rapid mounting
  • For use around insulated cables up to 18 mm diameter
  • Compact and hinged
  • Color-coded connecting cable 3 m
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WAGO‘s compact split-core current transformers are ideal
for retrofitting existing systems. They are perfect for applications
in which the current path must not be disrupted.
The transformer’s accuracy permits extremely precise
current measurements. The split-core current transformers
are capable of supplying the specified rated power at
the end of the secondary cable. All transformers are supplied
with color-coded cables. Two UV-resistant cable ties
are also included for secure and easy mounting.
  • Current ratios from 200 A (primary side) and 1 A (secondary side)
  • No measuring cable interruption
  • Ideal for use in very confined spaces
  • Rapid mounting
  • For use around insulated cables up to 18 mm diameter
  • Compact and hinged
  • Color-coded connecting cable 3 m
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