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"description" : "<p>WAGO Application Load Management is a dynamic load management system for regulating the total charging power at a grid connection point that accounts for the maximum connection capacity. This solution prevents grid connection expansion and eliminates peak loads caused by EV charging.</p><p> </p><p>One license key is required per individual charging point. After receipt, the license key can be uploaded in the “Configuration” tab. This enables a charging point with dynamic load management. Counters are exempt from this; no additional license keys are required for them.</p><p> </p><p>Functions through license activation:</p><ul><li>Intelligent vehicle charging through continuous power adjustment and use of all available capacities</li><li>Manufacturer-independent and tailor-made solutions for your location</li><li>Integration of every producer at the location (photovoltaics, CHP, etc.)</li><li>Excess charging</li><li>Charging processes by priority for different users (RFID)</li><li>Electricity-price-dependent charging (Awattar & Tibber)</li></ul><br/><p> </p><p>Compatible WAGO Controllers:</p><p>751-9301: WAGO Compact Controller 100</p><p>752-8303/8000-002: WAGO Edge Controller</p><p>750-821x: WAGO Controller PFC200; G2</p><p>750-821x/040-000: WAGO Controller PFC200; G2; XTR</p><p> </p><p>Software download: <a href=\"www.wago.com/walm-software\">www.wago.com/walm-software</a></p>",
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"description" : "<p>The WAGO Load Management Controller, with the pre-installed WAGO Application Load Management, is a dynamic load management system for regulating the total charging power at a grid connection point that accounts for the maximum connection capacity. This solution prevents grid connection expansion and eliminates peak loads caused by EV charging.</p><p> </p><p>One license key is required per individual charging point. After receipt, the license key can be uploaded in the “Configuration” tab. This enables a charging point with dynamic load management. Counters are exempt from this; no additional license keys are required for them.</p><p> </p><p>Functions through license activation:</p><ul><li>Intelligent vehicle charging through continuous power adjustment and use of all available capacities</li><li>Manufacturer-independent and tailor-made solutions for your location</li><li>Integration of every producer at the location (photovoltaics, CHP, etc.)</li><li>Excess charging</li><li>Charging processes by priority for different users (RFID)</li><li>Electricity-price-dependent charging (Awattar & Tibber)</li></ul><br/><p> </p><p>Compatible licenses (charging points):</p><p>8101-2000/000-021 WAGO Application Load Management; 01 charging point</p><p>8101-2000/000-022 WAGO Application Load Management; 05 charging points</p><p>8101-2000/000-023 WAGO Application Load Management; 15 charging points</p><p>8101-2000/000-024 WAGO Application Load Management; 30 charging points</p><p> </p><p>Activate and download license keys:</p><p><a href=\"https://walm.license.wago.com\">https://walm.license.wago.com</a></p>",
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"description" : "<p>The WAGO Power Plant Control Library is a library with a control algorithm for the active and/or reactive power of power generation plants.</p><p> </p><p>The control algorithm required by the grid operator for managing active and/or reactive power, along with the associated setpoint specifications, can be adapted during operation. This adaptation can be achieved through telecontrol technology in accordance with IEC 60870. The controller compares the specified setpoint values with the actual values measured at the network connection point and provides the calculated correction variables for the energy generation plant.</p><p> </p><p>The <b><i>e!</i></b><i>COCKPIT</i> library can be used with firmware up to version 22 on PFC200 Controllers (second generation), WAGO Edge Controllers, and WAGO Touch Panels 600. It is certified according to VDE-AR-N 4110 or 4120.</p><p> </p><p>The CODESYS 3.5 library can be used with firmware version 23 and higher on PFC200 Controllers (second generation) and the WAGO Compact Controller 100. It is certified according to VDE-AR-N 4110 or 4120.</p><p> </p><p>The library can be used for a 30-day trial period at no cost, after which a license for the specific controller is required. The license can be separately purchased under Item Number 2759-203/211-1000.</p><p> </p><p><b>Functions:</b></p><ul><li>P<sub>fix</sub>, Q<sub>fix</sub>: Fixed active/reactive power specifications</li><li>P<sub>(f)</sub>: Frequency-dependent active power regulation</li><li>P<sub>(Uoff)</sub>: Active power ramp – restart after network failure</li><li>Q<sub>(P)</sub>: Reactive power control per active power characteristic</li><li>Q<sub>(U)</sub>: Reactive power control per voltage characteristic</li><li>Q<sub>(Udb)</sub>: Reactive power control per voltage characteristic with</li><li>voltage limiting function</li><li>cosφ<sub>fix</sub>: Fixed displacement factor specification</li><li>P<sub>SM</sub>, Q<sub>SM</sub>: Slave mode, looping through the external active/reactive power specifications</li></ul><br/><p> </p><p> </p><p>Certification available for:</p><p>Germany (VDE-AR-N 4110 / 4120)</p><p>Poland</p><p> </p><p><b>Compatible Controllers:</b></p><p>750-8212; PFC200; G2; 2ETH RS</p><p>750-8212/025-001; PFC200; G2; 2ETH RS; Tele; T</p><p>750-8212/025-002; PFC200; G2; 2ETH RS; Tele; T; ECO</p><p>750-8216; PFC200; G2; 2ETH RS CAN DPS</p><p>750-8216/025-001; PFC200; G2; 2ETH RS CAN DPS; Tele; T</p>",
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"description" : "WAGO Lighting Management is a highly sophisticated solution for lighting control in large spaces, such as production facilities and warehouses. Using a combination of predefined hardware and user-friendly software, WAGO offers a lighting management system that facilitates the design and commissioning of new lighting systems while providing numerous additional advantages for their operation. The basic idea: WAGO Lighting Management is ready for the vastly different light requirements of warehouses and production facilities. For example, a production facility can be divided into virtual rooms in which the light can be flexibly adapted. Each virtual room receives signals from sensors and actuators in order to automatically set the appropriate light intensity. Virtual rooms allow quick, easy implementation of both conversions and remodeling via Web configuration.<br/><br/><b>Compatible Controller:</b><br/><ul><li>Controller PFC200; 2nd Generation; Item No.: 750-8212</li></ul>",
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"description" : "<p><b>Function:</b></p><p>“Building Automation and Control Networks” (BACnet) is a data transfer protocol for building automation that simplifies communication between products from different manufacturers.</p><p>The PFC200 Controller (2nd generation) can be operated as a BACnet building controller and supports the B-BC device profile with all major BACnet objects and interoperability building blocks (BIBBs).</p><p>The device communicates via BACnet/IP and offers the functionality of a BACnet Client and BACnet Server.</p><p> </p><p>To use BACnet/IP, it is necessary to equip the device with a license.</p><p> </p><p>The BACnet network is configured using the WAGO BACnet Configurator and the Engineering Software.</p><p> </p><p><b>Benefits:</b></p><ul><li>Use the device as a BACnet Building Controller (B-BC)</li><li>Control and detect distributed I/O signals from</li><li>WAGO BACnet/IP Couplers via BACnet Fieldbus Protocol</li><li>Data exchange with other BACnet Devices as a BACnet Client or Server</li></ul><br/><p> </p><p><b>Use:</b></p><p>The license is registered in WAGO Upload and loaded onto a device. No other installation steps are required.</p><p> </p><p><b>Technical Data:</b></p><p>See “Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement” (PICS)</p>",
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"description" : "<p><b>Function:</b></p><p>Communication according to the IEC 60870 Protocol can be conveniently parameterized with a configurator integrated into the <b><i>e!</i></b><i>COCKPIT</i> Software.</p><p>The configurator sets up IEC 60870 objects while configuring data exchange to the PLC application or I/O modules. Import and export functions in CSV format allow configured data to be transmitted to other engineering tools.</p><p>With this license, the IEC 60870-5-101 and -104 Protocols on the slave. This permits the creation of gateways that convert one protocol into another, e.g., allowing protection devices to be read out via Modbus and data to be transmitted to the network control system via IEC 60870-5-104.</p><p>The time on the telecontrol substation (slave) can be directly synchronized via either the IEC 60870 Protocol with object 103 or via</p><p>(S)NTP.</p><p>IEC 60870-5-101/-104 Information Objects can be used to monitor the direction of single, double and step messages – bit patterns, counter values, as well as normalized, scaled and floating-point measurement values can also be used. All information objects can be transmitted with or without a time stamp. This also applies to information objects in the control direction.</p><p> </p><p>An IEC 60870-5-104 Slave can simultaneously maintain up to four connections to the control system (master).</p><p> </p><p><b>Your Benefits:</b></p><ul><li>Use the PFC200 Controller as a telecontrol substation (slave) on an IEC 60870-5-101/-104 control system (master).</li><li>Create a gateway application to transfer data from Modbus protection devices to an IEC 60870-5-101/-104 control system.</li></ul><br/><p> </p><p><b>Uses:</b></p><p>Enter the license into <b><i>e!</i></b><i>COCKPIT</i>, assign it to a device and load both the license and project into the controller. No other installation steps are required.</p><p> </p><p><b>Technical Data:</b></p><p>See Section “Functionality of the WAGO Protocol Library according to IEC 60870-5-101, and -104” in Product Manual “Configuring the IEC 60870 Protocol.”</p>",
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"description" : "<p>With WAGO's Energy Data Management solution, you can record and visualize your measurement data for different media and influencing variables (as well as the key figures calculated from it) in no time. Continuous acquisition and monitoring provide the basis for resource-efficient energy usage – the environment will thank you, and your operating costs will be minimized. As an added bonus, conformity with DIN EN 50001 for energy evaluation is part of the package.</p><p>WAGO Energy Data Management consists of Web-based application software combined with a modular control system. It records measurement data for different media along with influencing variables for energy monitoring – all are processed for additional analysis, archiving and reporting. The software automatically detects different signals from the connected meters and sensors, making them available to additional energy analysis tools via simple parameter settings. This insight guides you in optimizing energy consumption in your building or production facility – either locally or across the globe.</p><p> </p><p><b>Compatible Controllers/Touch Panels:</b></p><ul><li>PFC200 G2; PFC200 Controller as basic unit, available in different configurations: 750-821x</li><li>PFC200 G2 XTR; Alternative: PFC200 for extreme environments: 750-821x/040-000</li><li>Touch Panel 600 Standard Line; PIO3; 762-4304/8000-0002</li><li>Touch Panel 600 Advanced Line; PIO3; 762-5304/8000-0002</li></ul>",
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"description" : "WAGO Visualization Lighting Management provides an optional independent user interface for operating and monitoring WAGO Lighting Management (2759-0204/0261-1000). Whether on a desktop PC, touch panel, tablet or smartphone, the entire lighting system can be operated clearly and conveniently during ongoing operation via a modern HTML 5 web user interface. Through the visualization of operating data, the user is informed at all times about the current operating status of the entire lighting system and can intervene manually if necessary. Simultaneously accessing several lighting management controllers from the visualization is also possible. Depending on the number of controllers to be operated, three different license types are available. The visualization can be easily adapted to individual requirements. In addition to language and color settings, HMI devices, users, rooms and custom profiles in particular can be created and managed. Profiles make it possible to associate an individual user interface with each HMI device or user.<br/><br/>Visualization – S; 1 controller; Item No.: 2759-2101/271-1000<br/>Visualization – M; up to 3 controllers; Item No.: 2759-2102/271-1000<br/>Visualization – L; up to 10 controllers; Item No.: 2759-2103/271-1000<br/><br/><b>Compatible Controllers/Touch Panels:</b><br/><ul><li>Controller PFC200; 2nd Generation; Item No.: 750-8212</li><li>Touch Panel 600 Advanced Line; PIO3; Alternative: Touch Panel with capacitive touchscreen as basic unit: 762-53xx/8000-0002</li></ul>",
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"description" : "<p>WAGO-I/O-CHECK is an easy-to-use Windows application for operating and displaying a WAGO I/O System 750's node without connecting to a fieldbus system.</p><p>The software reads the configuration from the node and displays it graphically on the screen. This graphic can be printed together with a configuration list as documentation.</p><p>With WAGO-I/O-CHECK, it is possible to display and specify the process data of the I/O modules. The field wiring, including all sensors and actuators, can thus be checked before startup.</p><p>For some types of interface, Pt100 and thermocouple modules, application-specific settings can be made, such as the baud rate or sensor types.</p><p>The coupler must be connected to a free serial or USB port of the PC using the communication cable supplied in the set with the system to enable communication between WAGO‐I/O‐CHECK and the node.</p>",
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"description" : "<p><b>Function:</b></p><p>“Building Automation and Control Networks” (BACnet) is a data transfer protocol for building automation that simplifies communication between products from different manufacturers.</p><p>The PFC200 Controller (2nd generation) can be operated as a BACnet building controller and supports the B-BC device profile with all major BACnet objects and interoperability building blocks (BIBBs).</p><p>The device communicates via BACnet/IP and offers the functionality of a BACnet Client and BACnet Server.</p><p> </p><p>To use BACnet/IP, it is necessary to equip the device with a license.</p><p> </p><p>The BACnet network is configured using the WAGO BACnet Configurator and the Engineering Software.</p><p> </p><p><b>Benefits:</b></p><ul><li>Use the device as a BACnet Building Controller (B-BC)</li><li>Control and detect distributed I/O signals from</li><li>WAGO BACnet/IP Couplers via BACnet Fieldbus Protocol</li><li>Data exchange with other BACnet Devices as a BACnet Client or Server</li></ul><br/><p> </p><p><b>Use:</b></p><p>The license is registered in WAGO Upload and loaded onto a device. No other installation steps are required.</p><p> </p><p><b>Technical Data:</b></p><p>See “Protocol Implementation Conformance Statement” (PICS)</p><p> </p><p><b>Compatible Controllers:</b></p><p>750-8210 PFC200; G2; 4ETH</p><p>750-8211 PFC200; G2; 2ETH 2SFP</p><p>750-8212 PFC200; G2; 2ETH RS</p><p>750-8213 PFC200; G2; 2ETH CAN</p><p>750-8216 PFC200; G2; 2ETH RS CAN DPS</p><p>750-8217 PFC200; G2; 2ETH RS; 4G</p>",
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"description" : "<p><b>Function:</b></p><p>Communication according to the IEC 61850 Protocol can be conveniently parameterized with a configurator integrated into the <b><i>e!</i></b><i>COCKPIT</i> Software.</p><p>The configurator sets up IEC 60870 objects while configuring data exchange to the PLC application or I/O modules. Import and export functions in CSV format allow configured data to be transmitted to other engineering tools.</p><p>With this license, the IEC 60870-5-101, -103 and -104 Protocols can be activated on the master. This permits the creation of gateways that convert one protocol into another, e.g., allowing protection devices to be read out via IEC 60870-5-103 and data to be transmitted to the network control system via IEC 60870-5-104.</p><p> </p><p>IEC 60870-101/-104 Information Objects can be used to monitor the direction of single, double and step messages – bit patterns, counter values, as well as normalized, scaled and floating-point measurement values can also be used. All information objects can be received with or without a time stamp. This also applies to information objects in the control direction.</p><p> </p><p>The IEC 60870-5 Master can support connections to up to 10 IEC 60870-5 Slave Devices.</p><p> </p><p><b>Your Benefits:</b></p><ul><li>Use the controller as a telecontrol master to read data from IEC-60870-5-101/-104 Field Devices or IEC-60870-5-103 Protection Devices (slaves) and process it locally in the controller.</li><li>Create a gateway application to use this master function to forward read data to a higher-level control system or cloud. This may require additional software licenses, such as the WAGO IEC 60870 Slave, DNP 3 Slave, Sparkplug or WAGO Cloud.</li></ul><br/><p> </p><p><b>Uses:</b></p><p>Enter the license into <b><i>e!</i></b><i>COCKPIT</i>, assign it to a device and load both the license and project into the controller. No other installation steps are required.</p><p> </p><p><b>Technical Data:</b></p><p>See Section “Functionality of the WAGO Protocol Library according to IEC 60870-5-101, and -104” in Product Manual “Configuring the IEC 60870 Protocol with the Telecontrol Configurator and <b><i>e!</i></b><i>COCKPIT</i>.”</p>",
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"description" : "WAGO Visualization Lighting Management provides an optional independent user interface for operating and monitoring WAGO Lighting Management (2759-0204/0261-1000). Whether on a desktop PC, touch panel, tablet or smartphone, the entire lighting system can be operated clearly and conveniently during ongoing operation via a modern HTML 5 web user interface. Through the visualization of operating data, the user is informed at all times about the current operating status of the entire lighting system and can intervene manually if necessary. Simultaneously accessing several lighting management controllers from the visualization is also possible. Depending on the number of controllers to be operated, three different license types are available. The visualization can be easily adapted to individual requirements. In addition to language and color settings, HMI devices, users, rooms and custom profiles in particular can be created and managed. Profiles make it possible to associate an individual user interface with each HMI device or user.<br/><br/>Visualization – S; 1 controller; Item No.: 2759-2101/271-1000<br/>Visualization – M; up to 3 controllers; Item No.: 2759-2102/271-1000<br/>Visualization – L; up to 10 controllers; Item No.: 2759-2103/271-1000<br/><br/><b>Compatible Controllers/Touch Panels:</b><br/><ul><li>Controller PFC200; 2nd Generation; Item No.: 750-8212</li><li>Touch Panel 600 Advanced Line; PIO3; Alternative: Touch Panel with capacitive touchscreen as basic unit: 762-53xx/8000-0002</li></ul>",
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"description" : "<b>Function:</b><br/>Communication according to the IEC 61850 Protocol can be conveniently parameterized with the configurator integrated into the <b><i>e!</i></b><i>COCKPIT</i> Software. <br/><br/>The configurator sets up the reading of IEC 61850 object data from protection devices, for example. If the configuration of the third-party device is available in IEC 61850 SCL exchange format, it can be read in using the configurator's import functions. Alternatively, it is also possible to read the configuration from the third-party device using the configurator's online browsing function.<br/><br/>With this license, the IEC 61850 Protocol can be activated on the client. This permits the creation of gateways that convert one protocol into another, e.g., allowing protection devices to be read out via IEC 61850 and data to be transmitted to the network control system via IEC 60870-5-104.<br/><br/>The IEC 61850 Client processes data from up to 4 servers with each 10 requests.<br/><br/><br/><b>Your Benefits:</b><br/><ul><li>Use the controller as a telecontrol master (client) to read data from IEC 61850 Protection Devices (servers) and process it locally in the controller.</li><li>Create a gateway application to use this client function to forward read data to a higher-level control system or cloud. This may require additional software licenses, such as the WAGO IEC 60870 Slave, DNP 3 Slave, Sparkplug or WAGO Cloud.</li></ul><br/><br/><b>Use:</b><br/>Enter the license into <b><i>e!</i></b><i>COCKPIT</i>, assign it to a device and load both the license and project into the controller. No other installation steps are required.<br/><br/><b>Technical Data:</b><br/>See Product Manual “Configuring the IEC 61850 Protocol with the Telecontrol Configurator and <b><i>e!</i></b><i>COCKPIT</i>.“",
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