The good news: according to the study, “Germany’s Energy Suppliers are Going Digital”, conducted by the consulting firm pwc, more than two-thirds of the energy production companies consider decentralized energy solutions highly relevant and view digitization as a lever for increasing their process efficiency. Digitization potential arises along the entire energy added-value chain. Flexible electricity pricing, which follows the availability of renewable energy, is an approach that is especially appealing to commercial and industrial consumers: When solar arrays and wind turbines produce a lot of energy, suppliers offer electricity at reduced prices. This encourages consumers to adjust their use to the fluctuating generation. This is merely a first step: “Increasing numbers of households produce their own electricity with small CHPs and solar modules. They are no longer just consumers, but have become prosumers, who both consume and provide excess power to the grid,” says Kurth.
If these households were networked together, they could balance supply and demand among themselves. Virtual power plants are a move in the same direction. They combine decentralized producers, like biogas, solar arrays, wind turbines, CHPs, heat pumps, emergency generators and batteries, with intelligent control technology to form a flexibly controllable group. Network operators supply balancing energy from registered suppliers to compensate for fluctuations in the higher-level transmission networks. Some companies are already using virtual power plants to offer this service. Trianel, a municipal utility cooperative, bundles generating and storage technologies into a balancing pool with more than 700 megawatts of total output. In practice, the biogas systems, storage facilities etc. in the Trianel power plant are operated as usual. If the network operator calls for balancing power, then an algorithm in the control system selects the suitable systems and controls them from the control center. The advantage of the Trianel power plant is that it is composed of 400 individual systems and thus offers a high level of flexibility. It can thus cushion short-term fluctuations quite well.