
PLCs – Controllers

WAGO’s PLC solutions offer unmatched flexibility, performance, and reliability for diverse applications. From the cost-effective Basic Controller 100, ideal for price-sensitive systems, to the robust PFC200 XTR, designed for extreme environments, WAGO controllers support all major fieldbus protocols and integrate seamlessly with the WAGO-I/O-System 750. Scalable and secure, WAGO provides versatile automation solutions for every need.

Ultimate Connectivity with Powerful Control

Compact Controller 100

WAGO’s Compact Controller 100 is an all-in-one PLC with a variety of built-in I/O for smaller applications. Programmed using Codesys 3.5, utilize the controller’s built-in Web Server to develop HTML 5 visualizations.

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Simplicity at its best!

Basic Controller 100

WAGO’s Basic Controller 100 is ideal for large volume and price sensitive control applications. They enhance machine performance, speed system development and support common protocols like MODBUS TCP/UDP and EtherNet/IP.

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Maximum Performance in a Minimum Space

PFC100 Controller

Get maximum performance while taking up minimum space with WAGO’s PFC100 controllers. Programmed with Codesys 3.5, these controllers support multiple fieldbus protocols and are equipped with optimum security software.

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Our Most Powerful Line of Controllers

PFC200 Controllers

WAGO's PFC200 Controllers are ideal for a wide variety of smaller control applications in industrial, process, and building automation. They are fieldbus-independent and ideal for decentralized fieldbus systems.

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For Extreme Applications

PFC200 XTR Controllers

Engineer, control, and visualize in extreme environments where other controllers fail with WAGO’s PFC200 XTR Controllers. These controllers are able withstand extreme climates, vibration, impacts and surge voltages.

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PFC300 Controller

Whether working in a smart factory or with renewable energy resources, WAGO’s PFC300 is the ideal controller designed for complex applications. Configurable and programmed with CODESYS 3.5, set up and functionality are easy, safe, and reliable.


Controllers 750

WAGO's Controllers 750 support all major fieldbus systems and are fully programmable to IEC 61131-3 standards. Easily integrate them with the WAGO-I/O-System 750 modules for seamless automation solutions that offer flexibility, reliability, and scalability.


Added Value

Add-On Instructions

Upgrade your Allen-Bradley® RSLogixTM System with Add-On Instructions. Our predefined AOIs provide the variables and logic for WAGO-I/O-SYSTEM modules and are easily placed within an RSLogixTM program - reducing engineering time.

Download Center

Control engineers and maintenance personal work to keep their systems running efficiently, and in many applications what to use the latest software and firmware versions available. WAGO’s Download Center provides options for keeping your products up-to-date. Install the Navigator, which will provide real-time notifications for any updates to your software.

  • Provides central location to WAGO software and firmware
  • Keep up-to-date with the latest software and firmware using the WAGO Navigator