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{ "@context" : "http://schema.org/", "@type" : "Product", "name" : "1vodičový konektor (zásuvka), úhlový; CAGE CLAMP®; 4 mm²; Rozteč 5 mm; 8pól.; Kódovací výstupek; 4,00 mm²; Šedá", "description" : "<h2>Female connector, 769 Series, 45 ° conductor exit to connection direction</h2><br/><br/>Enjoy convenient electrical installations with this female connector (item number 769-108/022-000). Pluggable rail-mount terminal blocks are mainly used in switchgear units and control systems (e.g., in railroad technology). They are essentially a combination of rail-mount terminal blocks and pluggable connectors. You can also pre-assemble installations thanks to the variable wiring system. This saves both time and money during manufacture, installation, operation, and maintenance. Rated current and voltage are important parameters when selecting a pluggable rail-mount terminal block, as they determine the product's suitability for different applications. This product has a rated voltage of 500 V and a rated current of 32 A. Conductors should only be connected to this female connector if their strip length is between 8 mm and 9 mm. This product features conductor terminals and utilizes CAGE CLAMP®. Our celebrated universal connection known as CAGE CLAMP® leads the way when it comes to connection technology and electrical interconnections. The dimensions are 40 x 37.1 x 26.5 mm (width x height x depth). Depending on the conductor type, this female connector is suitable for conductor cross sections ranging from 0.08 mm² to 4 mm². Eight potentials can connect eight poles using the eight clamping points The gray housing is made of polyamide (PA66) for insulation. An operating tool is used to operate this female connector/socket. The front-entry wiring allows you to connect copper conductors.<br/>", "mpn" : "769-108/022-000", "sku" : "769-108/022-000", "brand" : { "@type":"Brand", "name":"WAGO" }, "manufacturer" : { "@type":"Organization", "name":"WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG" }, "image" : "https://www.wago.com/medias/200-10691111-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxNzA3OXxpbWFnZS9qcGVnfGFHSm1MMmcxTkM4eE16a3pNakF5TXpZeE1UUXlNaTh5TURCZk1UQTJPVEV4TVRGZlJFVXVhbkJufDEzOWRmMTliYzljOTkzMmJhOWY1NGVlYTgxMzFhOThmZGNjMDRjZGJiYTk5NjY5MzU0NWZhODA2MjA2OWE5ZWY", "gtin13" : "4044918547628", "category" : "Řadové svorky", "url" : "https://www.wago.com/cz/%C5%99adov%C3%A9-svorky/1vodi%C4%8Dov%C3%BD-konektor-z%C3%A1suvka-%C3%BAhlov%C3%BD/p/769-108_022-000" }
[ { "id": "details", "label":"Podrobnosti", "priority": 100 }, { "id": "downloads", "label":"Ke stažení", "priority": 90 } ]
X-COM Obj. č. 769-108/022-000

1vodičový konektor (zásuvka), úhlový; CAGE CLAMP®; 4 mm²; Rozteč 5 mm; 8pól.; Kódovací výstupek; 4,00 mm²; Šedá

Obj. č. 769-108/022-000
1vodičový konektor (zásuvka), úhlový
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PU (SPU): 25 KS
Obj. č. 769-108/022-000
1vodičový konektor (zásuvka), úhlový
Čekejte, prosím...
Ceníková cena za kus*
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Cena a dostupnost po 
Vaše cena za položku*
Na vyžádání
PU (SPU): 25 KS