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{ "@context" : "http://schema.org/", "@type" : "Product", "name" : "2vodičová průchozí svorka; 2,5 mm²; Boční držáky značení; Na DIN lištu 35 × 15 a 35 × 7,5; CAGE CLAMP®; 2,50 mm²; Šedá", "description" : "<h2>Through terminal block, 280 Series, gray</h2><br/><br/>This through terminal block (item number 280-601) is designed for easy and secure connections. Whether for use in industry or building installations, our rail-mount through terminal blocks allow you to quickly and securely connect electrical conductors. They’re perfect for either classic through-wiring or distributing potential, depending on the variant. This through rail-mount terminal block has a rated voltage of 800 V and can handle currents up to 24 A. Strip lengths must be between 8 mm and 9 mm when connecting conductors to this through terminal block. This product features conductor terminals and utilizes CAGE CLAMP®. Our reliable and maintenance-free CAGE CLAMP® connection makes it easy to connect all conductor types without having to prepare the conductor. For example, you don't need to crimp ferrules. This through terminal block is suitable for conductor cross sections ranging from 0.08 mm² to 2.5 mm². It has one level. The single potential can connect using the two clamping points The gray housing is made of polyamide (PA66) for insulation. This through rail-mount terminal block is operated with an operating tool. These through rail-mount terminal blocks are mounted using DIN-35 rails.. The front-entry wiring means you can connect copper, aluminum conductors.<br/>", "mpn" : "280-601", "sku" : "280-601", "brand" : { "@type":"Brand", "name":"WAGO" }, "manufacturer" : { "@type":"Organization", "name":"WAGO Kontakttechnik GmbH & Co. KG" }, "image" : "https://www.wago.com/medias/200-0200000400033d7e000100b6-DE.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wxOTcyfGltYWdlL2pwZWd8YURNMUwyZzROaTh4TkRZNE5qRTROemswTmpBeE5DOHlNREJmTURJd01EQXdNRFF3TURBek0yUTNaVEF3TURFd01HSTJYMFJGTG1wd1p3fGVjMjdkNWI4MTFiNjZlMTI2MmU5Njg5NzBjMzgzYjRlNTQ1M2U3MTc2YTNiY2ExYTRkN2VkMGRmODRmNGQyYjQ", "gtin13" : "4044918465298", "category" : "Řadové svorky", "url" : "https://www.wago.com/cz/%C5%99adov%C3%A9-svorky/2vodi%C4%8Dov%C3%A1-pr%C5%AFchoz%C3%AD-svorka/p/280-601" }
[ { "id": "details", "label":"Podrobnosti", "priority": 100 }, { "id": "downloads", "label":"Ke stažení", "priority": 90 } ]
Obj. č. 280-601

2vodičová průchozí svorka; 2,5 mm²; Boční držáky značení; Na DIN lištu 35 × 15 a 35 × 7,5; CAGE CLAMP®; 2,50 mm²; Šedá

Obj. č. 280-601
2vodičová průchozí svorka
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PU (SPU): 100 KS
Obj. č. 280-601
2vodičová průchozí svorka
Čekejte, prosím...
Ceníková cena za kus*
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Cena a dostupnost po 
Vaše cena za položku*
Na vyžádání
PU (SPU): 100 KS