Topics 29 June 2017
Our Responsibility

For us, sustainability is not a mere option, it is a key success factor.

Given sustainability’s importance, we actively search for ways to incorporate it into every area that our business directly or indirectly impacts. We guide ourselves according to universal ethics and principles – especially integrity, honesty and respect for humankind. For WAGO, this also means we assume responsibility by considering the consequences of our business decisions and actions from economic, technical, social, and ecological standpoints.

Taking Responsibility:

  • Sustainability as conviction
  • For our employees
  • For environmental protection
  • For society
  • Along the supply chain

Connect for Impact

Our Sustainability Program


WAGO sets high standards. Our environmental management system is certified per ISO 14001 – many of our products and activities have also received certificates.

Approved Quality

Environmental Product Compliance

RoHS and REACH declarations can be accessed via the “Environmental Product Compliance Search.” You will also find the “SCIP notification number” there.

The “WAGO Environmental Product Compliance Standard” (EPC Standard) describes the most important substance bans and restrictions and the associated information and take-back obligations. It also requires the suppliers to meet them.
