Customer application
From Design to the Finished Project

Within the industries of the future, ordering and production processes will be increasingly digitalized and automated. The goal: Consistency and data transparency along the entire value-added chain in order to reduce costs and save time while preventing unnecessary added expense. To support this horizontal integration, WAGO offers CAE and CAD Data Engineering, a solution that supports users from planning and design, to engineering, to testing and commissioning.

The CAE and CAD Data Engineering Advantages:

  • Individualized products and solutions
  • End-to-end data storage
  • Prevents system breakdowns
  • Cuts down additional costs

A Competitive Advantage with smartDATA Engineering

In the age of Industry 4.0, complexity and customization of products and the need for specialist expertise are increasing at the same time as cost pressures, so companies find their quality and price priorities in conflict. Besides the expertise of its employees and the features of its products or services, a company’s ability to compete ultimately is determined by the effectiveness and efficiency of its production processes. To support its customers on the path to greater efficiency, WAGO offers smartDATA Engineering, with a multitude of data and services focused on custom products and solutions. This enables consistent data storage and prevents system failures in different facilities, which could lead to multiple iterations and significant added expense.

A Seamless Solution

This approach already begins in the electrical engineering planning and design stage: If the expert designer needs to import data using different design tools in order to incorporate customer project data, such as circuit diagrams or component lists, WAGO can support this with the smartDESIGNER engineering tool. The program has interfaces to various CAE tools such as EPLAN and WSCAD, allowing easy incorporation of existing electrical engineering design statuses. Furthermore, as a Web application, the software can be accessed conveniently via Internet without integration into the company’s own IT system. This saves both time and money and is especially advantageous when IT is outsourced to an external service provider that charges for new installations or software updates; any version control problems also disappear. Design statuses can be administered or reused by setting up an independent account.

If electromechanical components or automation systems from WAGO are used, smartDESIGNER supports project designers by providing a direct link to WAGO’s online catalog. Up-to-date product information is always available in the form of data sheets, product pictures and downloads of CAE and CAD data.

The smartDESIGNER Advantages:

  • Equipped with interfaces to CAE tools
  • Easy integration into existing electronic planning stages
  • Easy to reach via the Internet
  • Direct link to smartDESIGNER and WAGO's online catalog

Digital – Down to the Fingertips

When systems manufacturer Andreas Muth designs the circuits for his packaging machines, he relies on smartDESIGNER from WAGO. Read about the essential steps in this process here.


Direct Connection to the WAGO Online Shop

Once the terminal block assembly has been configured, smartDESIGNER automatically checks it for errors. The software indicates that an end and intermediate plate must be placed to prevent contact between live parts when rail-mount terminal blocks are used, for instance. If controllers are planned, the start-up current is calculated, among other things, in order to determine a need-based power supply. Once the design is completed, the desired products, including the completely pre-assembled DIN-rail assemblies, can be ordered via the online shop. They are custom-manufactured for the client and shipped.

After a check of the logic in smartDESIGNER, the data, once compiled, can be displayed completely in 3D and documented for further use or additional review. Parts lists, pictures of the products used or marking data for components that will be incorporated later in the control cabinet can be generated and printed – for example, for the rail-mount terminal blocks.

Horizontal Integration – From smartDESIGNER to e!COCKPIT

If intelligent components are planned for the DIN-rail, it is possible to easily transfer data from smartDESIGNER to the e!COCKPIT engineering tool. For programming complete components, WAGO offers e!COCKPIT, an engineering tool explicitly committed to user-friendliness and intuitive operation. e!COCKPIT supports all manufacturing steps, from hardware configuration and programming, to simulation and visualization, to commissioning of the switchgear unit. In order to reduce e!COCKPIT’s learning curve, the user interface resembles current Office programs. To give users an overview of their projects as complexity increases, the user interface prominently features context-sensitive menus. This means that the only menu items and functions that appear are those that can be used in the current design or operation stage. Components can be placed in the main area of the user interface and connected to each other virtually using drag-and-drop. Because this excludes connection errors from the outset, it also prevents costly troubleshooting after installation. Since several controllers can be configured and programmed in e!COCKPIT simultaneously, it is also possible to simulate and run through different test scenarios for the planned system.

As a powerful online design tool, smartDESIGNER provides the interface to electrical design, accelerates the entire design and ordering processes and additionally offers many ways to simplify documentation, while the interface to the e!COCKPIT engineering tool guarantees consistent transmission of design data for further configuration and programming of the automation components. After all, it is crucial to implement complex machine functions quickly and reliably in modern mechanical and systems engineering.

The e!COCKPIT Advantages:

  • User-friendly, intuitive operation
  • Supports all manufacturing steps
  • Connection errors excluded from the start
  • Several controllers can be simultaneously configured and programmed
  • Consistent transmission of design data

Programming and Configuring with e!COCKPIT

