Significant Contents
Essentially, EN 50155 outlines:
- Operating conditions (regarding environment, electrics, EMC)
- Technical construction features (components, construction, development, etc.)
- Reliability, maintenance, service life
- Documentation and testing

References and Classification
EN 50155 refers to a wide range of testing processes and standards (e.g., EN 61373 – Vibration and Shock or EN 50121-3-2 – EMC) and classifies their results.

Requirements and Guidelines
Depending on the component, different requirements and guidelines must be taken into account. The minimum factors to be considered are:
- Temperature
- Vibration and impact
- Relative humidity

Electronic components
For electrical components (relays, optocouplers, signal conditioning modules, fieldbus systems, etc.), the electrical operating conditions must be considered before all else. These include:
- Power supply fluctuations and interruptions
- EMC (Immunity to interference and emission of interference)
- Selection of the subassemblies and development criteria