

WAGOn automaatio-ohjaimet tarjoavat kattavat kytkentärajapinnat erilaisiin kenttäväyliin, sekä laajan modulaarisen I/O-järjestelmän. Ohjaimien integroitu palomuuri tekee laitteista kyberturvallisia huomioiden myös tulevaisuuden vaatimukset. Skaalattava laskentateho mallien välillä mahdollistaa kustannustehokkaan ratkaisun valitsemisen.

WAGOn ohjaimet ovat CODESYS V3 -ohjelmoitavia, jonka lisäksi avoimet Linux-pohjaiset ohjaimet tarjoavat laajemmat ohjelmointivaihtoehdot Linux-puolelta.


  • Ohjelmoitavissa CODESYS-ohjelmistolla IEC 61131-1 standardin mukaisesti
  • Modulaarinen I/O-järjestelmä
  • Skaalattava laskentateho
  • Voidaan käyttää ääriolosuhteissa

Controllers – Everything at a Glance

Learn more about the features and technical characteristics of our controllers. Learn more about security, IoT, operating systems and many more with just one click.


Product Overview

Complex, compact, flexible or even extreme: WAGO offers the right controller for your environmental conditions! Get an overview of our various controllers and their advantages for your application.

Power for Complex Automation Demands: the Edge Controller

The Edge Controller has an ARM Cortex-A9 quad-core processor and is equipped with a comprehensive selection of interfaces. Its extensive functionalities make it perfect for individualized use in any industry.

  • Easy integration into existing systems
  • Programmable via CODESYS per IEC 61131-1
  • Pre-installed Linux® operating system
  • Compact installation saves space

Powerful and Flexible for Medium to Large Applications: PFC300

The PFC300 is designed for demanding applications in machine, process and building environments. Equipped with 2 GB of RAM and a 64-bit processor, it delivers high performance and reliability for large-scale operations.

  • Programmable with CODESYS (IEC 61131-1) on a Linux® operating system
  • Comprehensive security functions
  • Dual-core processing
  • USB-C service port

Powerful Control for Medium Applications: PFC200

Our PFC200 Series Controllers have a variety of functions and are thus well-equipped for use in industrial, process and building automation.

  • Fieldbus-independence
  • Programmable with CODESYS per IEC 61131-1 on a Linux® operating system
  • Comprehensive security functionalities
  • XTR version for use under extreme conditions

Flexible Control for Small Applications: PFC100

The compact PFC100 controller has 512 MB of memory – ideal for use in the building and mechanical engineering industries.

  • Programmable via CODESYS per IEC 61131-1
  • Open Linux® platform
  • Comprehensive security functions

Compact Controller with On-Board I/Os for Small Automation Tasks:
Compact Controller 100

Thanks to its DIN-rail-mount enclosure design and integrated I/Os, the Compact Controller 100 offers minimal space requirements in the control cabinet. With this compact controller, you can solve individual automation tasks in your environment.

  • Compact controller with integrated I/Os
  • DIN-rail-mount enclosure
  • CODESYS engineering environment
  • Optional CAN interface

Microcontroller for Real-Time Projects:
Basic Controller 100

The Basic Controller 100 is our smallest controller with a real-time operating system (RTOS), which makes real-time requirements a reality in small automation systems.

  • Real-time operating system (RTOS)
  • Programmable via CODESYS
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For Extreme Environments: XTR Controllers

Our controllers for extreme applications: Project design, control and visualization. Automate in environmental conditions where other controllers fail.

  • Can be used in extreme temperature ranges from -40 to +70 °C
  • Overvoltage up to 5 kV of impulse voltage
  • Protection against vibration and impacts, vibration resistance up to 5g of acceleration

Variety of Communication Protocols, Engineering and Technologies

Maximum Independence and Flexibility for Your Automation

With our controllers, you are completely independent of your automation because they support all standard fieldbus protocols, embedded Linux as an operating system and the CODESYS development environments per IEC6113-3.

This allows you to use your existing protocols, but also to easily switch to new protocols, and your engineering is as flexible as your application. Technology standards such as Docker®, 5G and TSN flow into our development to generate optimal added value for you.

Experience a Holistic Ecosystem with ctrlX OS

Flexibility and openness are key drivers of automation. That’s why WAGO values strong partnerships – successful development of Industry 4.0 solutions can only be achieved through collaboration.
