Corporate Design

WAGO Packaging Manual


WAGO‘s packaging has been completely revised and given a new design line. There is still a high proportion of white as brand color given. A clear design structure should help the brand achieve more uniformity and impact on the shelf.

Design Elements


The WAGO logo can be used in two colors. In most cases, the WAGO logo comes in Green. If only 1C printing is possible, the logo is shown in Black.

Positioning & Protective area:

The logo is ideally positioned at the top right. The protective area around the logo is at least 75% [X]. If space is available, this can be extended to 100% [X].

Taking into account the protection area, the logo can be positioned centered in narrow portrait formats or tilted in landscape formats


The logo is never used with a different shape, but only freestanding.


The main font is Aktiv Grostesk, it is used for all the information all over the package and also in icons.

Various font styles can be used. If space is limited on the packaging or on the sticker, the Condensed typeface is used.

On the scatter print packaging we can also see the Lexia font, which gives it more character.


The primary colors used for packaging are WAGO White and WAGO Green. For single-color printing, all elements are replaced with black.

For warnings, WAGO Yellow is used as the background color.

Product description icons

Product description icons are always in front of package and they clarify the main product features.


Corporate icons

Corporate icons are usually positioned on the back of pack or in the lower part of a label. These icons summarize relevant information such as the country of manufacture or the manufacturer's address.


Recyclable icon

Recyclable icon belongs of the front of the pack and is intended to communicate the company's sustainability concept to the consumer.


Product Image

WAGO products are very technical and must therefore be shown in detail as much as possible. All products must be shown in perspective whenever possible. Since the products are very different, it may happen that they are shown in different positions, the main goal is that they are understandable. Despite this they should have the same kind of realistic shadow underneath. If only 1C printing is possible the product image should be in grayscale, due to printing requirements.


Product Image Positioning

Always left packaging side right next to product description. The image can be cut or not, as long as the product main features are visible. A minimum 5 mm safe area must be respected between the text and the image. The background is always white.



The WAGO Pattern is in WAGO green and is printed at a specific angle on the packaging. Subsequently, the packaging is covered with a sticker. bThe outer packaging design visualizes the brand values of WAGO. Important information about the company and the quality of the products is presented with the help of CD elements such as the logo, typography and pictograms.

Design infos:

The pattern has a rotation of 57 °.

Packaging Structure

WAGO‘s product variety includes a wide range of packaging sizes and appearances, from promotional to functional. In promotional packaging, the design modules are printed directly on the packaging. In functional packaging, a sticker with the design modules is applied to packaging with a basic design. The range is supplemented by packagings in single-color scatter printing, which can be specified by stickers.


Closure Sticker

In functional packaging, a closure sticker with the design modules in a reduced look is applied to packaging with a basic design. This closure sticker is placed always in front of pack. It consists of a front and 2 folding sides.


Folding Box All-around design

The WAGO promotional packaging folding box is always completed when it has the closure sticker on it. The sides of pack are in WAGO green. Any side that does not have a WAGO logo on the sticker will have a WAGO logo as large as possible, centered if space permits. Please make sure to respect the protective zone of the logo. „Attention“ yellow area can be added or not, depending on the product. All important mandatory information such as manufacture, website and seal are shown on the back.

A. Front of pack

B. Bottom of pack

C. Left side of pack

D. Back of pack

E. Top of pack

S. Sticker positioning


Scatter printing Sticker

WAGO scatter printing packaging comes with a sticker on it. The difference between the closure sticker is that here we have only one folding part. WAGO functional sticker is printed in one color. Each green element is recolored to black. The product image is gray scale.


Scatter printing All-around design

The WAGO functional packaging folding box is always completed when it has the sticker on it. This package consists only the WAGO scatter printing pattern in WAGO green over white background. For more information about the angle of the pattern please check page 10.

A. Front of pack

B. Right side of pack

S. Label positioning

Repackaging Guideline

Repackaging Guideline

WAGO products that are being sold at wholesale and in DIY stores are usually packaged and designed by the retailers themselves. In order to guarantee a uniform brand image, this manual is intended to show how the packaging design can be adapted to different formats. POS ideas are also presented here to bring the products on the shelf or the brand more into focus.

When possible, sustainable packaging solutions are always preferable to conventional packaging types that use plastic.

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